Help I purchased my first blue tang and when it got to my house it was belly up in the bag. Still slightly moving I floated the bag added water ect..... finally released it. It floated up, then down then back up and stuck to the skimmer gate. I was so upset!!!!! I left it , went to bed and when I came down the next morning the light was on and there it was swimming around. Its made friends with my Yellow Tang and they eat and swim around together. Although now the blue tang has white spots and a slight cloudy film on it. The fish store recommended MELAFIX all natural fish remedy. It says to remove carbon filter and turn off protein skimmer, carbon was gone in the beginning and I have urned off skimmer. It says that it is safe for reef aquariums containing invertebrates, corals , anemones ect... which I have. Although my LT Anemone is not looking to happy and my blue tang still has white spots and film. Do I continue? Oh I should mention I have a 34 gallon plug and play Red Sea Max.
Any advice would be of great help! I am so new to alll this.
Any advice would be of great help! I am so new to alll this.