BML help

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 24, 2013
Carpentersville, IL
Hooray for my tax refund!
Im looking to purchase some lighting from BuildMyLED and am looking for insight/information from folks who have some experience with their lighting.

The aquarium its for is a 45 gallon, so its 24" from top to bottom. I plan on it being fairly heavily planted, CO2 injected and I'll be dosing fertilizer using the PPS-Pro method (and likely some root tabs). Im really hoping to get a carpet of either Glossiostigma, DBT or Marsilea Minuta (if I can find some).

Im currently looking at the 10000K Planted XB series. I am assuming I'll want the Ultra High Light level for the carpeting, but dont know for sure. Im also not sure what Beam Angle I'll be needing. The aquarium is only 12" front to back, so I thinking maybe 75 degrees?

I met somebody from a few months ago at a trade show and he recommended I give them a call when Im ready and they will help me choose the right assembly (which I plan on doing), but Im also hoping to get some practical input from anybody with actual product knowledge that isn't looking to make a sale.

Thanks in advance. (y)
I just went through the buying experience for a friend on a BML he bought. If you call and talk to the BML people you talk to someone who will be actually building your light. They know every detail about the light type, tank shapes, what temp of light works and can even custom install any color LED you want into the unit. They did not hype me in any way. They can even match your light to the type of plants you want to grow and what aquascape style you are going with, ie. dutch, nature, iwugami, etc. Just call them and see for yourself. OS.
You were right OS

I was thinking I was going to need two fixtures, but the person I spoke to on the phone said I'd only need one. Now I just have to sit back and wait patiently... which is the most difficult part of this hobby. :lol:
I went with the Dutch XB for what Im told will provide a more saturated color effect while still providing the 55+ PAR rating at the substrate level for the carpeting plants (I think it will end up closer to 70 PAR).

The person on the phone suggested the 75 degree beam angle and said I should place it more toward the front but angle it towards the back. This way the foreground carpet and the taller background plants should all get enough light.

Now I just need to start thinking about substrate. Since I bought one less light fixture than I thought I was going to need, I may roll the extra money into some of that sweet sweet ADA substrate I keep reading about.
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