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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 30, 2011
Hi guys! I put bogwood in my tank about three months ago, and I still partially have green/ yellow water in my tank! I put some carbon in my filter and was wondering when you think the tannings will dissapere. It's a 60 litre tank if that helps! Thanks
Did you do anything prior to putting it in your aquarium? Like bake it, scrub it, soak it?

I've heard in some cases a couple of months depending on circumstances.
Hi thanks for reply mate! I pre soaked it for 8 days before hand changing the water in the bucket every 2 days, then soaking it in kettle boiled water each time. It has got better since I put the carbon in but it's still noticeable
I've had pieces of wood leach tannins anywhere from few months to over a year with larger ones. Boiling or a couple cycles in the dishwasher helps but over time it will stop.
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