Boiling Goldfish

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 24, 2003
Eastern NC
Came home from Thanksgiving vacation and discovered an Ich out break in the aquarium. I think that the outbreak was caused by overfeeding which caused a bacteria bloom that stressed the fish and ushered in the Ich. Anyway I lost both of my pictus cats and a Ornada.

I am pretty sure that the first pictus died from the Ich my wife nuked the second one with medication when she did not finish reading the directions prior to adding the medication. I am pretty sure that the ornada died from the high temps. The tank is running in the 86 to 84 degree range right now. I have two snails in the aquarium and they appear to be doing fine. The two remaining goldfish are doing fine.

I guess that the point of this message is to say that the fancy goldfish do not seem to be stressed by the high temps. I also wanted to ask if there are any signs that I could look for to tell if the goldfish are stressed. They seem to be doing fine they are acting the same eating everything in sight and swimming around like they were meant for the tropics, lol. Anyway I thought that I would put it out there for comment or just fact.
No really commenting on your post but referring to a common misconception of the tropics. I have lived in a tropical country, Nigeria in Africa and it can get very hot there as it is very close to the equator.

However if one went to a stream or river, the water is not necessarily that warm. If the stream or river is near lots of trees especially near “mangrove” or "swampy” water, the shade actually lowers the water temperature even more. At night the water can be very cold but I never actually dipped a thermometer in the water.
The water is colder in deeper and larger bodies of water like lakes.

Not many fishes are caught in Nigeria however the killifish species Fundulopanchax gardneri

is found in an area of Nigeria called Markudi and it can be very hot up there yet the waters there are range from 22-25 (72-77) nigerianum

Lake Malawi, is in a very hot part of Africa and the water ranges from 25-28 (77-82). Aquarium water temperatures set in the mid 80s is not necessarily tropical, i cannot find any basis for those tempratures but I accept I have not done thorough research on this.
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