Bolivian Rams in Groups?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 25, 2013
Hey guys, it's my first post here, and I've got a question for you; are Bolivian Rams best kept in pairs of two or could I possibly keep three or more together? I've got a 29G tank with 8 Bloodfin Tetras, 5 Von Rio Tetras, 4 Julii Cory, and my 2 Bolivian Rams. Is a third or fourth Ram possible? Also, does anyone know of any good top-level Amazon species? Feel free to visit my profile and give me advice on decoration and aquascaping! Thanks, happy new year!
I have 2 male GBRs and 1 female. The two males chase eachother but no one is ever hurt, but I recommend maybe getting a ratio of 1 male to 2 females ? Or you could just do 1 male and the rest all females.
Awesome, thank you. It's hard not to fall in love with these fish, they're just perfect! I'll probably sleep on it for a few nights and then go grab another female Bolivian. Thanks for the advice
I had 3 in a 55g buy the two bullied and ended up killing the other one. Now the two get along great.
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