Bought Frogs, now what?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 6, 2014

I joined this forum moments ago with the hope that someone can give me some advice based on what my frogs need, as opposed to what the petshop wants me to buy.

I just purchased a "kit" consisting of a roughly half-gallon plastic tank, small rock base, a few larger rocks, a bamboo shute, and two African Dwarf Frogs. The kit was advertised as something like a self-sustaining eco-system and I got it from the science section in a school supplies shop. Since I was instructed to add food pellets to the tank twice each week, I don't suppose this is a true self-sustaining eco-system, but I'm hoping someone here knows what I have and can help me out.

I've done a fair bit of internet searching over the weekend, and I can see that these frog kits are NOT well-liked. In fact, many people are passionately against these things! I'm also reading a lot of conflicting advice. For example, some say the half-gallon is sufficient, some suggested the tank be at least one gallon per frog (2 gallons in my case then). My instinct is that these guys need at least a slightly larger space.

Some have indicated the water should be shallow so the frogs can easily reach the surface for breath, while others recommending 10+ gallon tanks say the frogs are just fine to get themselves up a few feet to get air from the surface. I've read a hundred different feeding schedules, people who want me to buy a water filter, people who indicate the filter would disrupt the eco-system, blah blah.

In short, I hope someone here can steer me in the right direction to ensure my $40 desk pets are being properly cared for while they entertain the office!

as long as they are fed and have clean water, they could care less about how much space they have in their aquarium. Some people find it more "humane" to give them more space but as long as you care for their basic survival needs, they will be perfectly fine. I personally don't like those "Kits" btw...they just seem fake to me and they are completely the opposite of any "natural" set-up.
Thanks for the quick reply! Yeah, I gathered that many people hate these kits. Although it seems the current tank is sufficient, I think I may get something bigger just to give them a little bit more "natural" type stuff in their environment. Glad to know I'm probably not torturing them for the meantime in their half gallon here!
well, everybody has their own opinion on these things haha. Yea 2 little adf's in a 1/2 gallon should be perfectly fine as long as they have clean water, but, if you're thinking of a new set-up, I suggest a 2-5 gallon bowfront with plants and a sand substrate (you could even get a few more frogs!).
yup, now I've got the bug, so some extra froggies, maybe a snail or something, whatever, these all sound like fun, so I'm sure I'll be back on here with some other random compatibility questions down the road before I start buying critters that don't get along!

Worst thing about such a small volume of water, it becomes fouled very quickly. A 5 gallon setup with a filter and a couple live (low light) plants would be a much cleaner and more stable environment.
Worst thing about such a small volume of water, it becomes fouled very quickly. A 5 gallon setup with a filter and a couple live (low light) plants would be a much cleaner and more stable environment.

i agree, it would be much easier to just set up a 5 gallon system that would require close to no maintainance other than occasional water changes.

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