Brackish Ich Questions...sorrrrrry

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 8, 2008
Santa Cruz, CA
So i was recently stupid enough not to quarantine 6 small mono argentus. I just acclimated them over the course of 3 hours. Yes ich happened. (i could kick myself) My question is, since it is essentially freshwater they came from, would putting them in the brackish tank work like the heat salt method? (made with marine salt)
Ive heard that aquarium salt kills freshwater ich but since i have a brackish tank would that be briney enough to kill the freshwater version without adding aquarium salt? or is the chloride neccessary?
If thats the case should i mix seperate batches for a 50% water change? one with recommended dosages of aquarium salt and one with their normal salinity to keep it as stable as possible or should i just do aquarium salt?
Im so confused and im sure i just confused all of you.

the tank is 135 gal
specific gravity (with marine salt) .006
i just raisd the temp slowly to 86 degrees.
now any help with my salt inquiries?
Im curious to see the answer to this as well. I think it would stand to reason that the brackish enviroment would kill the ich. However, there may not be enough NaCl in it to do so. Since salt is pure NaCl, and salts for the brackish enviroment contain different minerals and such you may have to add additional NaCl to it,

You could try a wait and see approach, but hopefully someone else will know the answer. Just remember that the ich will get worse before it gets better and will get worse quickly after the up in temperature.
Im starting to think I should join a brackish interest forum because Im only reading stuff about goldfish in here, does anyone know of any good brackish forums? Im sure they exist. Its really hard to find advice about this stuff online. I dont like making my own educated guesses about this stuff. I dont want to "experiment".
So far Ive managed to clear all white spots from my fish. I lost two Mono Argentus when I increased the temp. I have kept my marine salt salinity the same (pre mixing in a bucket and measuring it before adding the aquarium salt) and added 1 tablespoon of aquarium salt per 5 gallons. I did half the amount one day and half the amount the next day. I waited two days then did a 50% water change today. The temp is still at 86 degrees. everyone handled the salinity increase well. I hope to keep this up for another 5 days before I drop it all down slowly. I still would like to know if the origional tank conditions would have killed it without adding the aquarium salt. I just didnt want to take any chances. I will not skip the quarantine again! ever!
Yes but most are often traded in fresh water especially as juveniles. Most LFS dont have brackish set ups, and I purchased these from a freshwater cichlid guy on ebay (go figure) who happened to have 7 of them for cheap. All of the brackish fish Ive seen for sale have been in freshwater tanks. They are extremely versatile when it comes to salinity (for short periods of time) which is nice. Technically I shouldnt even have archers and monos in the same tank because the monos will eventually want a higher salinity up to full marine where the archers prefer something close to a mongrove estuary. I plan to find a middle ground over the next two years.
I would love to have scats and datnoids but their size requires a tank much larger than the 135 gal ive got now. (well if i want them to be able to be active swimmers, they will fit but not happily)

anywho, still no thoughts on a brackish hobby forum? I cant find one.
Not alot of people into Brackish. I have had trouble finding much info at all about the brackish fishes...
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