Breeding Convicts?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 1, 2013
I have seen my friend breed convict cichlids, and I want to try it on my own. I would like to buy a tank divider for my 55, or my friend has an empty 17. Which one would be better?
Before you start breeding them, figure what you will do with all the offspring.They are very prolific and there isn't much of a market for them.
Before you start breeding them, figure what you will do with all the offspring.They are very prolific and there isn't much of a market for them.

My friend and I have a bunch of extra tanks, two 10 gallons and three five gallons to be exact. And they all have filters and heaters.
Lol you can just use one ten gallon to breed a pair of convicts and just raise the batch of fries in there aha
Use the empty 17, if they are a pair i guarantee you'll have fry within a month. I have a pair with approx 20-25 young in a 15g. The young are about 7 weeks old and now look like little fish rather than little tadpoles.
17 gal is FAR to small for a pair. You have to plan for long term, get a divider that the tetras can't get through or they will become snacks as they grow into adult size.

I'm breeding some now in a 55 that currently has a 4" grammode and ABK, male is roughly 2" and female 1.5" they are for feeders, I don't care if fry is eaten I'm hoping they run crazy in that tank.
I bred my convict pair in a 10 gallon and they all seemed happy just give them a terracotta pot water and bam
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