Breeding Dwarf Gouramis & Neon Troubles

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 22, 2003
I have had two small female red dwarf gouramis for some time now and they have been doing exceedingly well in the tank. I purchased yesterday a male powder blue dwarf gourami. I was curious if anyone has any experience breeding dwarves. Will powder blues breed with reds? Or should I have gotten a red male? (Too late now I guess, oops :wink: ). I will have to purchase a separate spawning tank I guess. There is too much current in my main tank for a bubblenest I think with my powerhead.

Also - I have six neons which I have had for awhile and they have thrived quite well. I have noticed the red stripe fading in one neon. Right in the middle of the stripe is has gone pale, on both sides. The blue stripe is fine. Any ideas?

Flames and powders are hybrid forms. They are all colisa lalia. However there is no telling what divers mix you can come up with. Many will just end up with the natural coloring that breeders tried so hard to change. They'll still be cute I guess.
Most dwarf gourami are forms of colisa lalia. I think ?honey? are colisa chuna hybrids.

Neon gourami or neon tetra.? I only had those cute wee buggers once..they all paled out and died of neon tetra disease. I may not be the one to ask about tetras... :oops:
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