Breeding Kribs

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 18, 2003
I added a pair of cribs to my 25 gallon tank last weekend which also includes, a pair of keyholes, 3 red breasted dwarf acaras, 2 cory cat fish, a bristle nose plec and 4 golden barbs.

The kribs have layed eggs inside a plant pot and are guarding them well. How long will it be before the eggs hatch and will there be anyway of saving some when they have hatched without moving them before hand.

we are due to do a water change today, and i am a bit concerned incase i disturb the parents and they decide to eat the eggs, should i wait a few days before i do one or should i do one but keep away from their area.

Overall, cichlids make good parents--once they get the hang of it. The eggs should hatch within a few days. I would not worry about this batch of eggs and fry for a couple of reasons. First time parents don't always fertilize their eggs and they may eat all the fry the first time around before you can get to them. I suggest (if you have room) you get another tank and just use it for breeding. It is my understanding that once kribs start breeding, you can expect new fry regularly.
^ Ditto that.

Also, keep in mind that you should have some small live foods (BBS, daphnia) on hand for the fry if you want most of the brood to survive and grow big and strong. :) Kribs are very rewarding to breed and if you have a good LFS they will probably fetch a big batch of credits for you, or even actual money every so often.
I have a pair of breeding Kribs in my 55 gallon and they bred about a month ago. THey dug out a space underneath a large piece of driftwood in the tank and guarded the fry from the Rams and Tetras. There are about 12 fry in there 10 males 2 females in there about half an inch long. I didnt feed them anything, they foraged in my water sprite/java fern forest.
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