Breeding Rainbow cichlids

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 20, 2012
I'm going to try and give it a whirl with these guys. I have what I believe to be a male and a female, who are now residing in a 20 high aquarium....and have the whole tank to themselves.

This is very shy and shiddish fish. For the most part, they hide in one particular cave....mostly together, other times on opposite sides of the aquarium (both hiding).

I am considering throwing in a few other fish to liven things up a bit.

Any suggestions?

Also, I have heard these are extremely easy to breed fish. Anything out of the ordinary I should know about?
That size of tank might be just enough for the Rainbow Cichlids, as it's a tall there probably isn't much room to move, 20 long would have been better. My Rainbows never leave the front of the tank, maybe add more vegetation or cover in as it might bring them out. The pair of Rainbows i have get pretty nasty when breeding, male to female and male to other fish, if I didn't have the longer tank space I think some of the inhabitants might get in a bit of trouble.
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