Bristle Worms

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 25, 2007
Southern California
I have heard that they are both good cleanup and bad to have. So my question is, should I try to catch the couple that I know I have for sure (probably about 2"-3" in length) or leave them in my reef tank? Has anybody tried that Coralife Bristle worm trap?
They are good for the tank until they get bigger then there is a possibility they could harm corals but I don't know at what size that would be.
I found them to be 'attacking' certain corals, mostly LPS brain coral. I used the all natural 'Six-Line Wrasse Away' which worked like a charm and turned out to be one of my favorite fish! In my case the risk out-weighed any benefit and I chose to eliminate them, I recommend the same before they become a 'nuisance'.

I consider bristleworms part of my clean up crew.
1. Do I need a lid for a 6-line wrasse?

2. How can you tell the difference from a Fireworm and Bristleworm?

Thank you!
From my understanding, Fireworms are of Caribbean origin. If you don't have anything in your tank that came from the Caribbean that they could've hitchiked in on (live rock, corals) then I'd think you just have bristleworms.

Personally, I consider them part of my cleanup crew and let them be. Haven't had any issues with them picking at any of my LPS.
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