Broke pre filter

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 29, 2015
So I've only had this pre filter about a month and already the 2 pieces that lock in the sponge are broke, I have the broken flare held together with a rubber band, the Sponge covers it, I don't know if rubber bands are safe, it's not a perminent fix just temporarily until I order a new one in a few min, but before I do that I would like recommendations on if I need one to prevent sand from going into my aquaclear motor, I've tried mesh its very fine so it doesn't suck up anything so that won't work, I do have the pre-filter on there all rigged up not even vertical is horizontal because that's the only way I could do it, I don't know if they sell replacement parts for it but for 16.00 I might as well get a new one, also I would like to know if I absolutely need a TDS Meter, if you recommend a pre filter it's for an aquaclear 50, the one I got wasn't from Dr foster was from Amazon so maybe it is just cheap construction as I also broke an elbow and I was not even being rough, any suggestions would be appreciated even a diy idea so I don't burn the motor up in my new aquaclear.
I just get sponges of proper size for air driven filters and slip them over my intakes...
Just a sponge a little bigger then what they sell for fluval edges and specs [which run an AQ 20]..I have over 15 AQ 50s all with simple sponge and nothing else on the intake. I use them to keep filter cleaner longer and to prevent my fry from being sucked up..

^^Something like this that does not have a hole in both ends...^^(y)
Yeah that's the issue I have with this one is without the 2 pieces connected theres a hole on the bottom, I saw that one but would it work on my filter? I can't find individual sponges with one end closed
1/2" longer than the tapered end & a half inch larger in circumference. Cut a center slit down almost to the bottom then push it on the end. AQ & Fluval both have inserts that work
I have the Sponge that came with my new aquaclear still in the package, but my convict spits sand in the intake, so I need something that wraps around the intake tube, would doing what you said work or would I have to kinda hollow out the middle
You can "X" out the middle of square sponges if the look does not bother you. I have used the aquaclear inserts like that before.
You can "X" out the middle of square sponges if the look does not bother you. I have used the aquaclear inserts like that before.
Are you recommending the whole assemble of that or just the replacement sponges?
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