Bronze Cory Cats

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 26, 2006
Hutchinson, Kansas
I have been trying to keep bronze coy cats but have been losing one every now and then. I can't seem to find anything wrong with the tank conditions, everything is going well with the other fish. My tank has been fully cycled for some time and has always been stable. I do regular water changes and have maintained a constant pH.

One thought is that I have a rainbow shark, but I never see him being aggressive towards any of the fish.

Another thought is that not much food gets to the bottom. Although I do put algae disks and tetramin tablets in the tank, my other fish, many swordtails and gouramis eat the tablets.

My last thought is that the ones I have lost seem to get stuck under a plant. Since they are so active, do they get "caught" or "stuck" and can't get out?

Any thoughts?

What are your water perameters? Also, do you put any salt in the tank because corys don't like salt at all. Bronze cories are pretty hardy fish. I have never seen a fish get stuck in a plant, are there any decorations they could be stuck in?

As far as the food...try sinking shrimp pellets...they sink really fast and my corys love them.

When the corys die, are there any signs of agression? Do they look sick? Also, are all these cories from the same fish store?
pH is 7.8 and steady. Water temp. is 78 degrees.

Nitrate is 10 ppm.

I found the cory under a plant where I could hardly see him, almost under the gravel.

How often and how many shrimp pellets do you use per day?

I've purchased cories from two different LFS. I could not see any signs of aggression, but I'm not sure what I'm looking for either.

Thanks for replying, look forward to hearing from you.
What about nitrite and ammonia readings?

Hm...I have heard from another member here of a cory digging into the gravel when it was sick to die. No other fish in your tank are dying, just the corys?

Agrression is excessive chasing or any kind of nipping or biting.

I put a little less flake in the tank and add a few pellets...I try and put in at least one per cory.
Ammonia and nitrite at 0 ppm ever since cycle finished.

All other fish are thriving.

Haven't seen any chasing or biting, have been watching closely.

I will add more pellets and see what happen. I took today off work and stopped by the LFS during morning errands. It seems that some of their fish tanks are not that well kept, some dead fish. I bought these guys at their store and all my other fish at another.

This little guy was buried under the plant. The only reason I saw him was that I have dark gravel.

I think that they are not getting much food and they may have had some issues at the LFS. I have started medicating with melafix just in case.

I'll keep you posted, thanks again.
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