Brown Algae-What is causing it?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 26, 2002
Can anyone tell me what would cause my tank to grow brown algae? I have never had trouble with the green algae but can't seem to stop brown algae from forming on my gravel and artificial plants. Thanks!
What type of flow do you have in your tank?

What do you feed and how often?

What size tank and what kind of fish do you have?
by the sounds of it..

i think u might eb talkin bout a Black---really dark brown algea.. I beleiv its like cyno it just comes off in sheets right? I think all you can do it remove it by hand best you can.. I have the same covered evrything when i went from my 29 to 15..

gl .. is that wat u have?

I have a 29 gallon tank that has been up and running for 3 years. The underlit suggestion just may be the problem as now that you mention that I think it may have started after I had replaced my bulb. I have a 20-40 whisper filter, and air stone running all the time also.
I have 6 rasboras, 1 swordtail, 2 small tetras, 1 cory and a small pleco and feed them tropical fish flakes twice a day, about as much as they can eat in 2 minutes or so but also toss in a couple of shrimp pellets as the pleco and cory seem to devour them.

The bulb that came with the tank (which was the 29 gal. kit from Walmart) was replaced with a 50/50 (50percent natural 50 percent actinic 03 blue) 20 watt bulb.

If this is due to low lighting, what do all of you suggest. Thanks so much for your help!
The algae is not in sheets though!

I'm sorry, I forgot to add in response to Jacob, no it is not coming off in sheets, it just grows on the plants and the gravel but never seems to be growing on the tank itself except around the bottom and in between the gravel and tank sides. :D

I apoligize so omuhc.. I clicked this topic via main page never saw the section it was under I ASS.U.MEd it was S/w... hehe ignore me completely... lol sorry..

I think my dad had a similiar problem I wil try and talk to him see what he did.. I am thinkin it had sumtin to do with sunlight but i might be wrong.. I will get back to u...

I have the same problem in my tanks from time to time FW & SW.
Do you have city water or a well. My water is a well and has a high content of silicates. I purchased an R/O unit with a silicate removal cartridge. For my FW I add RO Right from Kent to correct the water from the R/O unit for FW. I would check for silicates along with upgrading your lighting. My wifes plant tank runs three Triton bulbs at 20 watts each.
Good luck with this as no tank looks good with brown or any color algae.

John EMS503
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