brown algae

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 19, 2003
How can I get rid of brown algae on sand base and rocks? It's not on the glass. I have snails but they stay on the rocks and sides.

You can use a algae magnet on the glass they work pretty good. What kind if snails are you useing? Hope this helps good luck Dewey
Whenever I top off my tank with well water for makeup water, I get a little bloom of brown along the rocks.

However if I top with RO water, I get no bloom, therefore I am thinking there are silicates and stuff in my water. I don't know if you are using RO water to top/change with or not?

If you're getting it on the substrate you can "storm" the substrate a bit with a turkey baster while you continue to add RO water for changes and topoffs, see if that helps, storm it and let the filters clear water, repeat as needed.

Also - red legged hermit crabs do a nice job of controlling the brown algae if it is actually turning into brown hair algae, not so much the brown dusting.

Also a Lawnmower blenny will bite the brown diatoms/algae off of ANYthing, rocks, CC, glass, sand, you name it.

So maybe a combination of thse things will help you out a bit. Also hihger nitrates in the water will encourage algae growth so if you feel like you might be overfeeding a bit then try dropping the feed back a notch

Oh and also adding kalkwasser to your makeup water is supposed to discourage growth of algae. I havent tried it yet.

How new is your tank?

Some new tanks will get it for a short time then go away and coraline algae will replace the brown algae.
cleaning crew

I have a 75 gal tank that is about 5 months old. I have 12 astraea snails and about 10 blue legged hermit crabs one sand shifting starfish. I will add to my cleaning crew.

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