bubble nest?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jan 30, 2013
Okinawa Japan
When i got home from work my 40 gal have what looks like a bubble nest and its real thick. I have 6 dwarf gouramis 10 guppies some shrimp, otos and some assasin snails. I do run co2 but the bubbles always pop once its hit the outlet. Any thoughts?

Looks very similar to a bubble nest my betta boy made, though it looks much bigger. Hard to tell size from the photo though.
Today I finally switched from a hang-on filter to the ViaAqua 750 my tank came with. Now I noticed right away that my Gouramis are what I looks to be spitting at the surface. Could it be trying to make a bubble nest now 90% of the turbulence gone from the hang-on?


  • ForumRunner_20130511_162138.jpg
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So it happened again. Did a little research and gouramis lay eggs and they but the eggs in... heres the kicker a bubble nest. So looks like one of my gourami is trying to have babys. Been trying to figure out which one but no clue.
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