Bubbles from skimmer :(

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Hi all I need some help lol. I have a Remora Pro on my 75 gal tank and just the other day it started shooting out bubbles, LOTS of itty bitty bubbles. I have had it for several month now. I am at a loss :( I took off the sponge from the intake and made sure it was clean but still bubbles. I haven't added anything to it like additives or new rock or coral. Any ideas on how to stop these lil bubbles? Thanks
I clean the top part out a couple of times a week. Ive never cleaned the main body part. Thats what I was thinking of doing but Today the bubbles have almost stopped completly. Dont know what caused it but I think its pretty much back to normal. :) Thanks for the input. Oh yea what do you mean turn it down I cant. No place to turn on it. The water flow that is. But thanks alot :D
Well, I'm glad it has gotten better
I would surmise one of your corals secreted some slime or other organic substance, and sent the skimmer into overdrive. IMO, you should tear down the skimmer and clean with bleach every 3 months, if you have alot of calcium carbonate build up on it, you can soak it in vinegar and it will dissolve the ca.
Is this normal to clean the whole body of it? I am going to do that this weekend. But I thought these were suppose to be maintenence free. But I will :) THanks for all your help!!
Is this normal to clean the whole body of it?

I would consider it a part of your quarterly tank maintenance, as your skimmer works it builds up DOC on all the surfaces, this will degrade skimmer preformance. Cleaning the entire skimmer every 3 mos, will help maintain skimmer efficiency.
I have a similar problem, the outflow is as low as it will go and the skimmer is only a month old and being used on a new tank without livestock. How can i reduce the amount of bubbles?
What skimmer are you using?

I'm using an AquaC Remora with a surface pre filter that it is supposed to eliminate the bubbles, yet the bubbles are still coming out.

I think that I will have to set the skimmer on a timer and run it during lights off only.
I am using an Aqua Medic 1000 skimmer, my LFS recommeded putting some filter foam in the outflow box to try and break up the bubbles, it worked a little but nothing significant. Can too many bubble cause any problems?
the outflow is as low as it will go and the skimmer is only a month old and being used on a new tank without livestock
I think that is the problem. Skimmers need to have some (protein) build up to make them work properly. Even on an established tank they will overproduce bubbles until they "break in" or get a good coating of junk in them.
IMO, you should tear down the skimmer and clean with bleach every 3 months
I now this is only an opinion so I will counter to say it is my opinion that tearing down and cleaning with bleach will require the skimmer to undergo another break in period. I clean mine with plain water to remove the lrge chunks and major build up of slime but do not make it squeaky clean. It overskims for a day then settles down.

Has anyone made a bubble trap for skimmers?
Would changing from a Maxi-Jet 1200 to a 900 eliminate the bubbles going in the tank?

I have used sponges to return the water from the skimmer too, the sponge catches the bubbles before they make it to the tank.

Would changing from a Maxi-Jet 1200 to a 900 eliminate the bubbles going in the tank?

Maybe, if the pump your using now is too strong for the skimmer.
Greetings Kevin.

I bought the surface skimmer attachment which has a "bubble eliminator" sponge at the bottom, but what it does is make the bubbles more tiny.

When I bought the skimmer they had two options or a rio 800 or the Maxi-Jet 1200, since at the time I have read a lot of complaints from the rio's I bought it with the maxi jet.

I'm going to try it with a 900 and a 600 to see it that helps.

I have a Remora and the sponge really doesnt do any thing unless you stuff it in the prefilter hole at the bottom where the water is suppose to come out. The only problem is that it keeps floating back up to the surface, and the bubles bypass it. Im going to try and put it on the inside of the skimmer , just behind the outflow hole and see what effect that does. :idea:
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