Build My LED 6300k or 10000k?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 19, 2013
Portland, OR
I think I've talked my husband into letting us get the Ferrari of lights. Woohoo!

So should we go for the 6300k or the 10000k?
Our viewing priority is fish 1st and plants 2nd, although we can also color-correct the visual with our chinese RGB LEDs. The 10000k looks better for fish colors, but is it still adequate for good plant growth? If it's only going to be so-so I'd just go for the 6300k and fix our viewing colors with non-plant LEDs.

I'm getting the dimmer for certain, because I'm not interested in CO2 injection.
I would suggest the 6300k. I think it's just a much better color temp for a planted tank. However, if you have the RGBs I guess it would be fine with the 10000k. It might jut look a little washed out.
Thank you!
Although I should have been more clear - I would use the RGBs to clean up the visual look of the 6300k. I'm not a big fan of the 6700k spectrum which is what we largely show now (we have 4 bulbs - 2x 6700k, 1x 5000k, 1x 10000k). The look is too green, so we use RGB LEDs to kind of "fix" the color for our improved viewing. I have no idea if that makes sense.
The 10000k BuildMyLed looks more like the light color that we like to see, and the 6300k looks quite greenish. But I know the 6300k spectrum is the BEST one for plants. I am guessing we could use the 6300k and then "color correct" with the RGBs for our optimal viewing colors.
My intensive research with LEDs tells me that although we might change what we as humans visually perceive as far as the light color, the actual underlying spectrum emitted by the LEDs does not change. So we could have the 6300k light, but then correct it to match our own visual perception, without actually changing the underlying spectrum which is optimal for plants.
I still don't know if I made any sense.
The 10000K spectrum will probably render more PAR than the 6300K will, especially if you're saying they look green. Don't worry about what's better for the plants; they'll be fine with whatever you get. Focus most on what's most pleasing to you. If you like 10000K, then I would go with that. However, are you just judging this based on the picture on the website, or have you actually seen 10000K light and liked that? The spectrum of the 10000K that they have is heavily in the blue and red region, so it will accent plants/fish with those colors. If anything, you may need to 'color correct' more more green/yellow with that fixture.
I'm only judging by the website pictures.
Sounds like I might need to do a color correct on either one? Just for different tones.
Agh, I don't know what to pick! I'll end up never ordering one because I'm afraid of picking incorrectly.
Right now I have:

Anubias Bacopa
Cabomba Caroliniana
Cryptocoryne Undulata
Cryptocoryne Wendtii
Amazon sword
Water Wisteria
Ludwigia Repens
Dwarf saggitaria

Had some blynx japonica but didn't realize that was high light and it bit the dust pretty quickly. I'd like to add some more things, but I'm not sure what.
I have the 6300K (Dutch Planted) and am very pleased with it. I don't have all the same plants you do, but I do have the Amazon Sword, Cryptocoryne Wendtii, and Water Wisteria. To my eye, the presentation is very nice under this light. Importantly, and as compared to some previous fixtures I've had, this light also seems to really bring out the colors in my Neon Tetras and Cherry Barbs.
Really, those are all pretty green plants, crypts and ludwigia excepted (and the latter only in some circumstances). You could get away with less red/blue if you wanted to do that.

Alternatively, from BML FAQs:

Can I return the fixture if I don’t like it?
Absolutely. As long as the fixture has not been scratched or damaged, you can return the fixture up to 30 days after delivery for a full refund of the product purchase price. See our terms and conditions page for more information concerning product returns.

So if you get the 6300K and hate it, you can maybe exchange for 10000K (minus shipping probably).
So if you get the 6300K and hate it, you can maybe exchange for 10000K (minus shipping probably).
To add to this - though I've not had any problems requiring that I contact them, I've heard nothing but good things about BML's customer service both before and after the sale.
That's excellent guys, thank you very much. This has all been extremely helpful.
I'm leaning toward the 6300k now

Thanks!! :)
I actually have 4 fixtures from them from before the new color spectrum options came out and mine are 8200K. They are plenty bright and really bring out reds and blues without looking yellow/green at all. I would go with the 7000K or the 10000K "planted" one, not the 10000K focus blue. I think the 10K planted will give off a bright balanced light similar to my 8200K from them.
Decisions decisions...

I will now have to wait a while anyway. My tank has an infectious disease and I spent $100 to get antibiotics overnighted, so the lighting budget will have to wait a couple more months :( The antibiotics will probably kill all my plants anyway.
sorry to hear about your aquarium getting sick.

plant bulbs and LED lights all come in different color temperatures, but isn't there a variation in the light spectrum each bulb bring out, depending on quality/manufacturer, eventhough they might be the same color temperature on paper?
Definitely! BuildmyLED uses some really specific spectrum LEDs in their builds to really bring out specific colors (and be in good plant growth spectrum). If you look at the LEDs they include in each of their "colors" it is really neat.
I'm going with the 10000k because my tank is deep and the 10000k has much higher PAR at a 24" depth than the 6300k.
I'm not sure if this is the correct decision, but I could get paralyzed about this for ages and never make a decision...

Thank you everyone for your input, the decision has been difficult (I hope I have made the correct one)
The 10K will be fine just be sure to order the "Planted" 10K fixture. Also don't forget to order either the fixtures feet or hanging kit as these are extra. I also suggest getting the dimmer as it is a really nice fixture allowing you to use 10-100% of the light. I have 4 BML fixtures and am very happy with them.
Excellent. Ordered the 10000k planted, feet, and dimmer.
Wasn't cheap but I'm so so so so excited!!
This will be a needed pick-me-up after all my tank problems. I lost a good number of plants due to meds too, so it will be fun to go plant shopping for some new medium light things.

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