Bully chromis

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 29, 2011
Miami Beach, FL
Hi I got 2 chromis because the guy at my LFS said they were cheap and peaceful but one of them keeps bullying every fish I have. Should I beat up the chromis or should I try to take it back to the store? Help!
You sure its a chromis and not a damsel?

Even if it is a chromis all fish have different personalities and you may have ended up with an unusually mean one.
I'm pretty sure it is and I'm heading to the store right now because the other one was getting stressed from being chased around and almost died.
I have never heard of this. Are you sure it wasn't a damsel? Damsels have a bad reputation when it comes to bullying. Damsels are highly territorial and quickly dominate the tank. Maybe it was just a weird Chromi mixed with a damsel.

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