Burnt Snail?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 30, 2004
Midlands, UK
Today i've noticed that the mouth and the edges of my Apple Snail look like they're burnt, looks like they've got black/grey dust around them or just dead parts of their skin.

They hang around the filter alot, i've noticed a couple of times they've moved accross the filter and stayed there for quite a while. Would this burn them? I always thaught if the water was the same temprature as the heater it would be okay and nothing would burn.

Their tank is at 24C/75F witch is normal and quite good for them, they share the tank with White Cloud Minnows. The minows like it at 22C/72F max, but i've seen no ill effects so far, and from what I saw at the LFS they had theres at 26C/79F - 28C/82F.

Any ideas? Or is this normal and I should'nt worry?

My tank is fully cycled and the stats are:
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 20
Temp: 24C/75F
Size: 24 UK litres.
Stock: 6 White Cloud Minows and 2 Apple Snails - Pomacea bridgesii

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