butterfly koi

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 30, 2008
I bought two butterfly koi last year at 2 inches hoping to keep my bichar happy but not allowing him to eat them. Well the Koi art 5 and 11 inches now in my 40 gal breeder tank. Had to move the bichar (polypterus senegalus) to my zebra danio tank, another story. How big will these koi get in a 40 gal?
Koi can get over 2 feet in length. They can't survive happily for long in that tank. Did you get them both at the same time? Strange that one is so much larger than the other if you did.
I have seen koi that was at least 3 foot long and I think it was 30 years old!!
I know they're pond fish and also have heard that orange goldfish grow faster and larger than other colors, just wasn't expecting it to happen so fast!
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