Buying a new 5.5 gallon tank with Q's

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 2, 2014
Next week once I get my new bedroom furniture I'm gonna buy a what I believe is a Fluval 5.6 gallon tank from petsmart. (Correct me if I'm wrong) but I had a few questions.

How exactly do you do a fish-less cycle? Because that's what I want to do with it.
What could I stock it with, I kind of wanted to do a couple fish with some shrimp because I've never had shrimp before. I saw that one of my local fish stores sometimes sells what I thought it said was wild caught guppies.(again, could be wrong) They looked really cool and I've wanted them for a while, could I do 2 females and 1 male in this tank with some shrimp? I also have a 60 gallon for WHEN they breed... Lol. I want to see what kind of variations and colors I can get out of them.
I also want this little tank so I can grow clippings from when I do plant trimmings and stuff from my 60 gallon.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

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Wow literally just saw there was another 5.5 gallon thread posted today... Lol

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