Buying live sand vs making live sand

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 25, 2009
Austin TX
I'm starting to setup my 40g hex and I found a guy that is selling live sand. Would this be a better option vs making it.
Buy enough live sand to seed your tank. Fill the rest with regular aragonite sand to the depth that you want. At least 4" or deeper for a DSB or any depth for a regular sandy bottom. any more then that is a waste of money.
Is he selling live sand from his own tank?
If so ask what kind of meds he's used in that tank.
If he is selling the bags, I would skip it and let the sand cycle with your new tank, it will become "live" that way.
I used 130LBs of dry sand in my 125.
huh... What do you mean by broke down. Is the sand still in water right now. If he took it out and bagged it that might be alright although I am not sure.
I have a LFS that sells live sand out of a tank in it with just aragonite sand and water. That kind of sand I could say is probably "live" while the bagged sand I would say is not.
he has it in buckets and its stored inside with saltwater. and my misstake its Caribbean medium to fine sand. the saltwater is still being filtered. he said had a 150g reef he broke down and sold the tank already. if i buy this sand from him how much do i need for a 40g hex stretch tank? the tank size is 30/18/21 i have been told i need a 1/2 of sand, and i have been told i need 1 1/2 inches and i have been told i need 2 inches.. also the guy i just bought my protein skimmer from gave me about 15lbs of dead coral sand.
thanks Matt
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The problem with using someone elses sand is you also get someone elses problems. Buy new sand. If it's just for looks 1/2" is fine. If you want a DBS, you'll need 4"-6" of sand. Buy 5# or so of his LS to seed your new sand and let Nature do the rest.
I ended up useing crushed coral. heres a pic of my new tank with some base rock and the crushed coral. waitting on live rock to come..


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Hmmm, you might not be too happy with the CC a few months down the road. Make sure you keep it clean.
I have heard this im thinking about changing it to sand so it stays cleaner. i didnt pay for the CC so i added it tonight. with it being a new tank shouldnt be that hard to extract and seed some sand..
thanks for the reply
Yes you`ll be able to siphon the CC up in areas and then use a PVC pipe to slide the rinsed out sand down to the cleaned out spot.
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