calcium tests?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 6, 2006
Good day! I regularly check my water parameters, although NOT the calcium levels. I want to get the most coraline algae growth from my 60#'s of live rock... is using only the "purple up" ok? or should i also purchase a calcium test kit which seem to be pretty $$$ and add calcium accordingly?? I do not have corals.
Do you have and LFS that can test calcium for you? Calcium levels should be over 400 ppm, preferably higher for good coraline growth. Most salt mixtures will bring your calcium levels up to that amount. With no corals in your tank, your calcium level should stay reasonably the same.

If not, you can find calcium kits online for rather cheap.
I agree with DT as to getting the LFS to check it out. Calcium is a must if you had corals. For the corraline you should have enough by doing regular PWC. BUT I`ve seen on this website that some types of salt have been falling short of calcium levels. Testing is a must one way or another.
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