Calling all ich gurus again......

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 8, 2003
GTA, Ontario Canada
More than 4 week ago I saw three white spots on the tail fin of one of my angels.
I did not panic and did not put any meds in, I was not sure if it was ich, but it looked like it.
In the mean time this angel spawned.
The same 3 spots are still on his tail, after nmore then 4 weeks.
2 weeks ago another angel got two spots on his fin, spots do not disappear.
I have clown loaches there, not a spot on them.
A year ago I had a very persistent ich, which took more than 3 weeks of high temp combined with meds to clear, but then I saw spots appearing and disappearing in weekly intervals.
I have never had any problems since up till now.
These spots now look similar but they stay there for weeks, which in 78 deg makes for a very long cyst cycle.
So: could it be ich?
I did add a SAE, some 5 week ago, but he was in QT for over 2 weeks prior, with no problem.
He was in qt with another SAE from the same tank from LFS, and in the other tank where the second SAE is, there are no white spots at all.
I am beginning to think it is not ich but some floating derbies that can get stuck to angels, and to no other fish for some reason. Could it be right? I did not treat the tank with anything. Second pair of angels is about to spawn, she is pretty rounded and cleaning leafs. :roll:

Thanks for help.
I think it is ich and the tank needs constant raised temps of 86F. This is not going to be good for your plants but they will bounce back - I have had to do the same thing to a planted tank. Leaving the temp up for 4-7 days after the last cyst is gone will ensure the problem is dealt with.

Good luck!
thanks for reply

Is it possible for a cyst not to burst for 4 weeks (or longer) in 78 deg? If yes, this is ich, if not, then it is not. It has never happened to me yet like this.

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