Calling Bolivian Ram Owners

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 4, 2012
I've got a pair of Bolivian Rams who don't get along. I thought I had a male and female pair but..... Could you help me identify if the Ram pictured below is a male or female? I'll try to post a picture of the other one but he/she is camera shy.
I've also included a link to a very short youtube video of one of my rams attacking the other (the victim is the Ram pictured below). Again, your best guesses are appreciated.
Bolivian Ram Fight - YouTube


  • IMG_0800.jpg
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I would say they are males fighting for territory. The one on the right is getting the worst of it, rmove him or add more Rams (it will reduce the fighting impulse)..
I've never been able to sex them worth a hoot, but you should get more responses here in the Cichlid Discussion section. :)
Look like 2 males to me, the chin is usually what I go on - females tend to have a rounder curved chin, but it's so hard with Bolivians. I bought a small young female a few weeks ago to pair up my male and in all my wisdom she is a he, massive sigh from my male Bolivian as instead of a girlfriend he was patrolling his little area with extra vigour and getting picked on by a tiny male. I should have waited until they where a bit bigger. They might be okay once a winner stamps his fin down on a spot and claims it, I usually find Bolivians fight like 2 women with handbags, more funny than serious, but you never know. Just keep an eye on them and if it's not working out ask your LFS for a swap if possible.
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That's a female, the breeding tube is quite visible and that's really the only sure-fire way to tell. I finally found two females for my boys a week ago after spending way too much time in fish stores staring at

If your other is a male, they may be pairing up. If the other is a female, they could be fighting. Can't tell without a close-up shot.
John, I also thought the victim was a female

due to the pronounced breeding tube heading down as opposed to being smaller and tapered toward the rear of the fish. Yet most say they think it is a female. Oh well. I'll continue to monitor and see what happens. Thanks for your input.
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