Can I add these to my community tank

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 11, 2004
New Jersey
I'm thinking about adding a school of Neons to my tank. I've got a 72 gallon bowfront tank with the following:

3 Tri-color Sharks
3 Clown Loaches
2 Placos
4 Golden Gouramis

Will the neons be OK or do I need to worry about the Gourami's attacking them?
If they are small enough to get in their mouths, they will be eaten... if not, im not totally sure if they will be chased...
Don't cardinal tetras get a little larger than neons? Might be something to consider if you are worried about neons. How big are your gouramis?
severum mama said:
Don't cardinal tetras get a little larger than neons? Might be something to consider if you are worried about neons. How big are your gouramis?

They're about 3 inches.

I'll look into the Cardinal Tetras.

I think it is a toss-up. They might indeed be too small and become if not outright snatched up, then chased and pestered to death. Cardinals are a wonderful option, and one of my favorite fish - if you like the colors of neons you will like cardinals, and they are bigger. Quarrantine them first, though, sometimes they have proven sensitive and short-lived, at least so it seems on the East Coast of the US.
I think even the cardinals will get eaten if not chased and harassed. Lesser aggressives need to go in first to avoid unwanted predation and aggression. Here's an idea you could try...

After the neons/cardinals (which ever you get) have been quarantined and ready for introduction in the main tank, take out the gourami and put that fish in a QT for about two weeks. Let the school become adjusted to their new environment and become stronger. Move things around in the tank and add a new plant or some wood. Do a few small water changes (about 10% twice a week...add fresh carbon after two weeks). This will change the geology of the tank, hoping to make old territory unrecognizible. The water changes and fresh carbon might lessen or eliminate territorial scents the gourami may be familiar with. Introduce the gourami back into the main tank when ready.

It's still a risk when you have fish that have mouths big enough to fit other fish you have in the tank, but the order of introduction does make a significant difference. I place larger fish in with smaller fish all the time at work without long as the order of introduction in proper to the species being put together. However, this order of lesser aggressives in first does not seem to make any difference with fish that are strickly predacious such as knives, arrowanas, eels, pike, etc.

If you ever do try that idea, I'd love to know the outcome.
JackBurton said:
I'm thinking about adding a school of Neons to my tank. I've got a 72 gallon bowfront tank with the following:

3 Tri-color Sharks
3 Clown Loaches
2 Placos
4 Golden Gouramis

Will the neons be OK or do I need to worry about the Gourami's attacking them?

The clown loaches are probably not going to be a problem. The plecos are not going to be a problem. The gouramis could be a problem once they reach full size. Your probably going to have a problem with the tri-color sharks. They can get to be a foot long and can be kind of hyper. Honestly, you've got kind of an asian theme going there. You might want to consider a school of danios or barbs.

Last time I had neons they got freaked out way to easily, and all they did was hide. I had them with some rainbow fish. Cardinals arn't much better. There really arn't that many tetras that arn't very shy and that could keep up with the tank mates you have selected.
docrak said:
JackBurton said:
I'm thinking about adding a school of Neons to my tank. I've got a 72 gallon bowfront tank with the following:

3 Tri-color Sharks
3 Clown Loaches
2 Placos
4 Golden Gouramis

Will the neons be OK or do I need to worry about the Gourami's attacking them?

The clown loaches are probably not going to be a problem. The plecos are not going to be a problem. The gouramis could be a problem once they reach full size. Your probably going to have a problem with the tri-color sharks. They can get to be a foot long and can be kind of hyper. Honestly, you've got kind of an asian theme going there. You might want to consider a school of danios or barbs.

Last time I had neons they got freaked out way to easily, and all they did was hide. I had them with some rainbow fish. Cardinals arn't much better. There really arn't that many tetras that arn't very shy and that could keep up with the tank mates you have selected.

Thanks everyone for the great advice.

I decided to add a school of rosy barbs. I just placed the order and they should arrive on Tuesday. I can't wait.

Thanks again.
I've seen Gouramis and loaches together with neons before, but they were full grown like everyone else here has stressed (about sizes )
I got the Rosy Barbs today. They seem to be doing fine considering they sat a FedEx an extra day. Surprisingly the Gourami's are leaving them alone. They're exactly what I was looking for. Very colorful.

Thanks everyone.
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