Can I add yellow labs in here?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 23, 2011
I have a 36 gallon tank and it has a 3.5 inch rubber lip pleco, 3 3.5 inch tiger barbs, 1 4inch rainbow shark, 2 1.5 inch rosy barbs and 2 2inch gold gouramis..... Can I add a pair of electric yellow labs?
Short answer, no. Your current fish have much different needs than African lake cichlids do so they are for the most part incompatible. They also need to be stocked in larger numbers than a pair.
You probably could but qhy would u want to. All your fish now go well together but yel. Labs should have hardwater with a higher ph.
+1 no way.

I could explain the reasons why, but if I have to , it's only another reason why you shouldnt'! Sorry
But I read online they were all compatible with each other.... Either way, I'm thinking of getting rid of some fish
Where did you read that online? Happen to have a link? I'm interested in the source of that advice.
the shark needs a 55 gallon tank. and adding the labs is just a bad idea
depending on what youre moving,there may be some africans you can add
I was thinking of some Electric yellow labs and if they other fish didnt get along I would self them all except for the rubber lipped pleco.
pretty sure electric yellow labs need a 55 gallon tank. you could get rid of all but the pleco(hes fine in there and im pretty sure you like him) and start a shelldweller colony. they arent very colourfull but apparently there really interesting
I read electric yellow labs can do in a 30g tank and only get 4 or 5 inches
you could do MAYBE a small group of labs in a 30g but that would be with no other fish, africans are best kept with africans, they are too aggressive with most other fish.
SO in a 36 tank, can they go with my fish? or do I have to get rid of them
a.tetreault said:
you could do MAYBE a small group of labs in a 30g but that would be with no other fish, africans are best kept with africans, they are too aggressive with most other fish.

+1 I agree they need bigger tank because of the aggression not to much of size I had labs in a 30G for 3 days because my tank wasn't complete the cycle and they attacked a ton of my fish and now they just hide still scared!!! Labs in 55G and doing fine!
Ralphie126 said:
SO in a 36 tank, can they go with my fish? or do I have to get rid of them

Can't go with any of your fish but pleco. Have to get rid of them for small colony of labs.
you could do MAYBE a small group of labs in a 30g but that would be with no other fish, africans are best kept with africans, they are too aggressive with most other fish.
i dont think keeping them in a 36 is a good idea. they get a decent size(like 6 inches)and are pretty active
Ralphie126 said:
can a pleco take the salt?

API salt for healthy swimming but not table salt or saltwater if thats what you mean. They do get around 6 inches. I would get all females also.
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