Can mollies be gay??

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 3, 2002
I was in a fish store today and was looking at these really beautiful mollies--Very handsome, I must say. I noticed that some were mating. To my amazement, I saw a male molly trying to put its ramrod in another male!!! 8O I wanted to ask the fish guy if this manouevre was common in mollies but I was too embarrassed to say the least. Has anyone seen this happen?? Thanks
The fish was either in a frenzy or was establishing dominance (most likely just wasn't paying attention where he was going :roll: Fish do not possess the brain capacity to be "gay" or "straight". Please try to remember very few human prejudices carry over to the animal world. Asking whether a fish can be kinda like asking whether it can be catholic.
Well said, my frogs, two males try and have some fun, but they are both males and nothing will come of it.
There are alot of species of fish where the dominant member of the school is male, when he dies, the next highest dominant female changes sex and becomes male. I think this is mostly a salt water phenomenon.

Having said that, this thread is becoming close to a gay-bashing thread.

This will not be tolerated. Do not push me on this.

This is a friendly community and we don't discriminate, period.
Having said that, this thread is becoming close to a gay-bashing thread.

This will not be tolerated. Do not push me on this.

This is a friendly community and we don't discriminate, period.

Agreed!!! Question has been asked and answered. Against my better judgement...I am going to leave the thread open. Please becareful if/how you reply.
Gay bashing? :? One of my friends is a *EDIT* and is a very nice person. I have no problem with *EDIT* unless one makes an advance on me, you know what I'm saying? Goodnight!

By the way, what is that a picture of up there? Is it a cnidarian? Those one-celled stinging critters?

So much for judgement...This thread is
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