sipe said:
Is disease transmission in fish similar to that of humans. Most of us get viruses from direct human contact. Bacteria must find a susceptible host to infect. If a fish is the same way then the fuge/
QT should work.
True the bacteria must find a susceptible host (usually lowered immune response) but a refugium would still not be the best option. In most home applications the "fuge" is moreso an algae scrubber than anything else. The abundance of
DOC and possibley reduced
O2 from lowered water flow typical of a refugium would actually make things worse. In all honesty,
RocketSeason's suggestion for a proper
QT is still the best one. If an infected fish gets to the point where it needs to be moved, it usually also needs to be treated and cannot be done so in an established system of any kind. Most often simple problems are helped best with multiple water changes using well aged/aerated
SW and improved diet fortified with quality vitamins.
In regards to your
LFS's practice, the fish most likely see an improvement due to the increased quality of their environment. The parasitic cleaning crew is just an anecdotal coincedence.
You're probably thinking it's in the water, but why in the sea would all these bad things affect everything on the reef if one animal were sick.
It's not the fact they aren't sick, it's the closed environment we keep them in that makes the difference. In a captive system the problem becomes "concentrated" so to speak. Wild fish quite often get parasitic problems but in the ocean when the parasite falls off to reproduce the fish moves on and the parasite does not have the opportunity to re-infect the same host. In your tank the fish has no where it can escape the parasite and becomes re-infected. As to bacterial problems, many fish in the wild become affected but it's moreso in human populated areas where pollution is constantly being introduced. The same theory applies though, clean water and a healthy diet will often see the fish recover on it's own if simpley bacterial in nature and caught early enough.