Can swords be separated?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 30, 2012
I was wondering if swords can be separated like
Crypts can be? The amazon sword I have in my 55g is doing extremely well and once I get my 30g up and going again I would like to take part of it to have one in my 30g. I can buy another sword if needed, but I would like to avoid it if at all possible.
You should be alright to split your sword. Mine had a gnarly 'bulb' that I took my knife,yes it was clean!, and just split it right down the middle. You may notice some die off but it should grow back.
I did something similar years ago and it seemed to work. I had a really thick sword that was taking up too much in my 10g (at the time) and I split it into two. I just used my fingernail and broke off a piece. Probably not the best way... waiting for a daughter plant to drop is the best.
Thank you for the article Rivercats! I'll give it a read after dinner.
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