Can these fish live together?

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Ohh i see and i have done frequent water changes and the fish seem too stressed out by that i like to keep my aquarium spotless but apperently the fish dont because last week i cleaned it twice and all the fish whrre like huddling in corners and werent active but now its almost been a week since i cleaned it and they seem much more active and happy
One at 50 is less stressful then 2 of 20. It may be how much you are moving stuff around during the changes too. Just vacuum the substrate. That shouldn't stress your fish out.
Oh i take out the driftwood and the some of the rocks to get more poop out cus lots collects under the drift wood
I do that kind of cleaning every two or three weeks. All the re arrangement can stress them out. Especially if done twice a week
How many plecos do you have in the tank? In the original post you said you had 2 and then added another? That will absolutely not work my friend.

1 pleco in a 30 alone is too much. Let alone 2 or 3. Plecos, when they grow larger, can get very aggressive towards each other too. The larger one will starve the other one or two.

Gouramis and angels won't get along either. If you do keep them, which sounds like you don't have an options, then you need to make sure they both have places to hide and break eye sight. I would make 2 bigger territories on opposite sides of the tanks to make them feel like they have a safe place to hide.
I have 2 Plecos, and I have a dwarf gourami, and the angel and gourami seem to get along pretty well, the only 2 fish that dont get along is tiger barb and blue male molly haha always chase eachother around...
You have a very aggressive setup.

Barbs and angels don't really mesh. Mollies are just aggressive towards smaller fish because they're Mollies. Your plecos will eventually not get along.
Yes I understand now, but now its too late, so if angel and gourami get along now will they get along forever? and the thing about the plecos is i only had 1 but my brother got a cory cat and pleco and cory dont mix so he threw his pleco in my tank... im not too happy about it because they just produce so much waste, theyre poop hangs all over my plants its floating bottom is covered with it, sometime I have to clean tank 2 times a week to have it look nice, im waiting for them to grow big because a pet store near me apperently buys big ones for store credit....
That's your best option with the plecos.

Well they will never truly get along but merely tolerate each other's presence. If they haven't ripped each other's heads off by now, you should be alright.
haha ya, how big do you think the plecos should get? right now they are both around 5-6 inches (for pet store to give me good price)
If they're common plecos then 18 inches. Not only do they grow big, they do it very fast
Hello, I recently bought a dwarf gourami, and was reading about it and came across that angelfish may not get along with dwarf gouramis. I have a 30 gallon tank and it is well planted, also it has 10ish mystery snails, 2 swordtails, a platty, 2 mollies, 2 golden pencilfish, 2 glowtail tetras, 3 guppies, a plecostomus, 1 tigerbarb, 1 red minor, an angelfish, and the dwarf gourami.I think im overstocked a little bit but I heard you just have to do more often water changes. So I was wondering if the angelfish and dwarf gourami will go along well. Thank You. :fish2: :confused:

You love your fish. But going forward I would slow down and rethink what fish to keep.

Most of your fish do better in groups.
Tiger Barbs
Red Minor
Glowtail Tetras ( Glowlight ?)

All should be in groups. (6 or more) You don't have room for 3 schools of these fish.
When they don't have a group they can get hyper aggressive. Kill weaker fish. Or get depressed and die off. In a group, they chase each other and tend to not damage other fish as much.

Pencilfish and the Livebearers as well but those 3 I listed for sure.

Red Minor and Tiger Barbs are semi-aggressive nippy fish and are not recommended for Angelfish or Gouramis.

Rehome the Plecos. Easier now than later.

Pencilfish are fairly sensitive and like a calm tank with plenty of plants.

Don't get female Livebearers (Guppies, Mollies,Swordtails, etc..) unless you want to deal with babies. The Angel will eventually eat fry once it's large enough.

You are overstocked and not a great combo of fish for long term.

Read up, learn about your fish. Make better choices and you'll enjoy your tank much more.

The only Pleco I'd recommend for a 30g is a Bristlenose. But they are still poop machines. Plant safe, but like some wood to suck on.

And IME Angels and Gouramis may fight. Esp when they hit breeding age. But not all do this.
I pick one or the other for my tanks. But I'm pretty cautious.

Everyone started out making bad choices or were sold poor combos.

My 55g. I'm dealing with Algae because I need more flow and weekly water changes ( I missed some) . I don't use air stones at all. I use big filters and weekly water changes and plants. Plus I try not to overstock so my tank can handle a little neglect.


I have Otos instead of Plecos.
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Corsair is right. Nobody wants a 15 inch pleco when they can get a 3 or 4 inch one and watch it grow.

Barbs are angels worst enemy. It's just an absolute nono.

I have an albino BN in my 20 high but she's still young and has plenty of driftwood and plants to hide on. While they are poop machines, they're probably the most popular pleco for people that know what they're doing because BN plecos will actually clean and do a good job.
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