Aquarium Advice Apprentice
My pair of jewels has just hatched their first batch of fry. I think it's wonderful and cute, however, I don't want my 55g community tank to turn into a baby factory. I'm considering giving away the female to stop this, but was wondering, will the jewel do alright by himself in the tank, as the only jewel? Since my jewels have paired up, will it cause him stress to suddenly be the only jewel in the tank now? I have 6 barbs, a rainbow shark, 2 peacock cichlids and a raphael cat also. I just got the peacocks and it turns out I have a male and a female. The male chases her into a corner of the tank where she spends all of her time, so I'm returning her to the store this morning to prevent them from possibly making babies in the future, too. Also, I'd like to get some kribs. I guess, I'm asking, is it okay to just have male cichlids in a community tank? If so, can I get 2 male kribs or would they fight?