Can you have too much water circulation?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 8, 2003
Portland, OR
I have a 50 gal FOWLR. I currently have a Aqua C Remora skimmer with 1200 maxi jet as well as two Maxi Jet 1200 power heads. The power heads are set up in two different corners about 2 inches below the water line. Is this too much water circulation for my size tank?

Thanks for nay info.
For an FOWLR set up it should be fine. If you ever decide to switch to a reef set up, I would actually suggest increasing the flow. :wink:

Its very hard to have to much flow. If you put your hand in the tank do you feel the currents or do you only feel things when you run your hand directly infront of the PH's output.

If you put your hand in the tank and its getting beat around regless of where you have it then i would say you have to much flow. But if you dont really feel much unless you have your hands in line with the PH outputs then your good.
I would say you have enough for a FOWLR but would add more if you get more stuff. I wouldnt even begin to worry until you get over 10 X's an hour, and if you have acros, u will need more
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