Carbon Rili & guppies

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 16, 2014
I have a 10 gallon heavily planted tank with lots of airstones, a little tunnel like thing, and a sand substrate. there are 5 guppies in it at this time. My husband wants to add some Carbon Rili's to it. will the carbon rilis and the guppies cohabitate well together? :huh:
Your Tank

I have a 10 gallon heavily planted tank with lots of airstones, a little tunnel like thing, and a sand substrate. there are 5 guppies in it at this time. My husband wants to add some Carbon Rili's to it. will the carbon rilis and the guppies cohabitate well together? :huh:

Hello Kady...

Guppies are best kept by themselves and in large tanks. Two reasons: Most fish put in with Guppies will bully them because of their large and colorful tales and Guppies are extremely fast breeders and will overpopulate a small tank in a couple of months.

Just an FYI. You may find out differently.

Carbon Rili's are a shrimp. I did my research on the guppies and they mostly eat their own fray which controls the population. the size of the tank is fine for five guppies. will the shrimps and guppies get along?
Are the shrimp bigger than the guppies? My two male guppies live with tons of ghost shrimp.

And I disagree that guppies have to live by themselves.
I am actually unsure of how big they grow too. I want to say the shrimps are smaller... but I'll have to research that. Thanks :)
After a quick search it looks like it says "small fish" are okay... Idk that guppies could be described as any thing more than a "small fish". I'm sure you're looking for first hand experience...
First hand experience would be nice if possible. However, I'm having a difficult time finding any info on carbon rili's period. I can find out where to buy them, but that's about it. I knew that ghost shrimps work well with guppies, but I wasn't sure if ghost shrimps are more docile. and i bought ten ghost shrimps recently and every last one of them died :( I don't know what happened. we're going to buy a master testing kit next paycheck. but we did find out about the reverse osmosis and that may have been the problem... If we do go with the carbon rili's, I don't want another massacre on our hands. I just want happy guppies and shrimpies.
Considering their expensive price I would not do carbon rilis with any sort of fish. Some RCS might be a better option (particularly if you're new to shrimp) as with a decent amount of cover they should propagate ok even if some of the juvies are picked off.
They will work perfectly well together. Some of the babies will get eaten but provided you have a ton of cover it should be fine. They are the same as a rcs but just a different color morph.
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