Carey's Bio Cube Build

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Ok. clarified. LOL I was getting confused. i will post from the lfs if I have any other questions, I'm heading out the door. :)

Check these out!!!! Now that's something I could really dig....

Drs. Foster and Smith Diver's Den® - Amphiprion ocellaris

Yah those are really neat!

I might try to put a pair of clowns in our large tank, I'm scared to with our maroon clown though. He's not overly aggressive to our fish now but clowns would be a different story I'm sure.

Can't wait to see what you pick up today : )
Those clowns are nice. And they are reasonably priced too. I like the Picasso ones they had but I doubt I'll be able afford them. Will you add the clowns to your Biocube?
My plan is to add a set someday. lol Preferably some kind of designer clown. :)

One of my candycane gobies came in today!!! The other and the citron will be in on Tuesday!! I didn't even actually order them but the giurl just called and said it was in. lol

I'm gonna post a new aquisition thread since I got alot of cool stuff today!
Well, it appears scooter doesn't like bloodworms. They are nasty! I suppose I should have guessed they'd be bright red but I didn't. yuck...

I tried to get the food to him via a turkey baster but he bugged out and ran behind the rocks. Is that the best way to target feed?

Should I just keep giving him brine? I know I saw him eat some if it, but I don't think it is nutritionally sound. I also will cut up the mysis shrimp, I couldnt find any baby mysis today. :-(
haha yah they look gross. Keep trying, mix the blood worms with some brine or something, that's how i got my mandarin off of just brine, mixing the mysis or blood worms with the brine while feeding.

When are you bringing your candy cane goby home?? It might be better to add them at the same time, well it is for other types of fish anyways haha i don't know about the candy canes.
I'd try just holding the turkey baster with food in it for a while without trying to get it closer to the scooter. Eventually he should get over it and come out of hiding. Then you can squeeze the food lightly trying not to move much. Maybe that way he'll get used to seeing that thing around and take it as an ugly decoration or even food source - lol.

I'm not sure if it's possible but I did something like that when I had to catch a murderous monster (blackmouth chromis). I had a trap with a door that I had to close when the fish was inside. The smart monster hid as soon as he spotted the trap and I spent hours waiting for him! And my other fish were afraid of it too but as it was there without moving or anything they got used to having it around.

Waiting for new pics!
They are holding it until the other ones come in. Then i can add the three at once. they are gonna be soo tiny. I hope not too small. These are the perfect fish for a 10g I think. lol

I'll try a brine, bloodworm and mysis mix later and see what he likes. Theres still pods on the glass so he hasn't wiped them out yet. I just wish his belly would fill up like my blenny's does.
1000 replies nice ;d
makes me want to buy a new tank but i'm strapped for cash at the moment
I have to admit I am tapped money wise right now. LOL Too many tanks and too much startup costs.

So as an update I haven't seen the scooter eat yesterday or today yet. :-( He is very lively though I hope that's a good sign.

My pod tank has cleared up really well, added some cube pwc water to fill it up. Cant stand to waste possible pods in the water lol i also added a jar of pods in there with the sump pods so now I just wait and see if they grow.

I'm very excited and scared that my new fish should be here tuesday. I hate surprises. hehe
The pandas are cute, but tiny. Mine hides so deep in a piece of lr it takes removing the rock and using a flashlight to see it! Just a warning cause I know how particular you are about knowing where your livestock is.

I have a red neon goby that is like that. I don't really pull the rock out to look at it though, just see it for literally 2 seconds during feeding time when it darts out, grabs some food and then back in.
I have a red neon goby that is like that. I don't really pull the rock out to look at it though, just see it for literally 2 seconds during feeding time when it darts out, grabs some food and then back in.

Isn;t that the way though? I never see my pistol shrimp and hardly ever catch my serpent star out and about. Even my royal gramma I can't find when I want. It's like dumping money into a tank with no payoff! LOL
j/k I love my tanks soo much.
Isn;t that the way though? I never see my pistol shrimp and hardly ever catch my serpent star out and about. Even my royal gramma I can't find when I want. It's like dumping money into a tank with no payoff! LOL
j/k I love my tanks soo much.

As long as I see them once in a while, it makes me smile. There are always a few hiders in the bunch. I like to feed my serpent with a long set of tweezers I have. I can usually see a leg, and it'll come closer when it smells the chunks of meat :) Lately I just enjoy going down to the sump and see what's in there. Yesterday I found a new shelled thing that is multiplying, saw 3 of them at once, so I'm sure there are more. Such a fun hobby.
When I fed my goby some squid just now one of the serpents legs came from behind a rock and grabbed a piece! I was like no way, how cool is that? I can sit for hours and watch what goes on in the tanks. Always finding something new or seeing something for the first time.
I have tried at least 10 different things. :-( He seems to maybe eat some of the emerald entree frozen cubes, but I can't be 100%. I've been turning off all the flow and trying the turkey baster. I added some to the rocks to, I figure he's always pecking at the rocks maybe he'll peck up some food. lol

I'm heading over to your thread to check it out! Nice!
the emerald entree has brine in it and mysis and bunch of other stuff. I wasn't successful with growing my brine eggs I don't think lol. I left them outside but it got cold last night.
I think they take a few days to hatch, they are really small to begin with too, shining a flashlight in helps to see them. I bet they will still hatch, I have a little bag of the already shelled eggs (so they hatch quicker) and they are kept in the fridge. I usually just poor some eggs into an ice cream bucket and float it in my sump with a bubbler.
I found a steal on CL!! I got 95 lbs of base rock for $50. :)

I put some in the pod tank, some in my 29g reg sw (has my bad behaving clowns right now) and I plan on putting some more in the cube too. Good news is I now have enough rock in total for a 125g. I officially have 220lbs. :-D

Just gotta get some lr to seed the pod tank and the 29g. I think I may keep the 29g reg tank as a fowlr for now. I'm real tempted to not sell it after all. LOL
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