Carey's Rimless LED Build

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For the MH if you want it bluer you could try those color gels that are used for theater lighting they will also dim the light a bit if that's an issue. Some of those setups have them only a few inches from a 500+w bulb with no heat shield. I plan to use them ( difusers almost the same) to acclimate new corals ( when I get them).
I think I;m just gonna try the led's I picked out. I should know tomorrow if I have a sale on the 20L setup so I will go from there. I really like the led shimmer and the intensity is crazy bright. :)

I'll use the MH for the time being though, who knows maybe I'll get used to them. lol Probably not though.
Got my new goodies today finally!

2 new 425 koralias, some fragging stuff, a new aquaclear 50 since the AC30 broke yesterday,a new aqualifter pump as back up for my 125g overflow and some phosphate testing reagants too. Yay Now I can go fish/coral shopping!

carey said:
Got my new goodies today finally!

2 new 425 koralias, some fragging stuff, a new aquaclear 50 since the AC30 broke yesterday,a new aqualifter pump as back up for my 125g overflow and some phosphate testing reagants too. Yay Now I can go fish/coral shopping!

Yay, your fragging stuff arrived :) can't wait to go shopping in your aquarium ;b
So, after doing a ton of stuff todya I finally got around to working on this tank. LOL

I added the new 425's, which in retrospect, I think I should have gone with the 550's like I initially planned. Oh well, it will have to work.

Also got the new aquaclear installed. :)

Got lots of surface agitation now so hopefully things will perk up. My duncans are already almost back to normal and the zooas are opening upp more. I chose to just try the MH for now. Still checking out other options for led's.

Here's the latest FTS

Sorry theres no fish in the picture, they are soo sooo tiny and they only come out when I feed them. LOL

Thanks so much! I out alot of thought into this tank. It's supposed to be my masterpiece LOL. Only time will tell. :-D
So, after doing a ton of stuff todya I finally got around to working on this tank. LOL

I added the new 425's, which in retrospect, I think I should have gone with the 550's like I initially planned. Oh well, it will have to work.

Also got the new aquaclear installed. :)

Got lots of surface agitation now so hopefully things will perk up. My duncans are already almost back to normal and the zooas are opening upp more. I chose to just try the MH for now. Still checking out other options for led's.

Here's the latest FTS

Sorry theres no fish in the picture, they are soo sooo tiny and they only come out when I feed them. LOL


nice corals. the sand looks so clean.
Nice tank. I tried to go back through.

I did two DIY LED fixtures using FEDY 3 watt lights and drivers. One was 24 actinic blue, and the other was 88 mostly white bulbs. Killer light, and I can't wait to order more.
carey said:
So, after doing a ton of stuff todya I finally got around to working on this tank. LOL

I added the new 425's, which in retrospect, I think I should have gone with the 550's like I initially planned. Oh well, it will have to work.

Also got the new aquaclear installed. :)

Got lots of surface agitation now so hopefully things will perk up. My duncans are already almost back to normal and the zooas are opening upp more. I chose to just try the MH for now. Still checking out other options for led's.

Here's the latest FTS

Sorry theres no fish in the picture, they are soo sooo tiny and they only come out when I feed them. LOL

Hey Carey first off nice tank queen of saltwater!!! you always amaze me. As far as the power heads just get another smaller or the same size lots of flow from different directions lol
Actually, I wasnt taking into account the upgraded filter I installed today. I was running an ac30 but went to an ac50 now. Seems like the flow may be just right. SO far no sand has stirred like it had been but I'll know more in a few days after I tidy the tank up again. :)
Just an update. It seems my corals are acclimating well to the MH fixture. I guess I didn't give them enough time and was just being inpatient. lol

I;m still planning on the led's but for now I think the tank might do fine with what I'm using. SInce I don'r really notice the "blue" in the 20k bulb I may just order another cheapo 14k since I don't intend on keeping the mh for very long. But I do want a good spectrum for the corals and from what I;ve read with no actinic supplements the 14k would be better for them.

Anyone disagree? Or agree for that matter?
if the 20k lamp is putting enough PAR in the tank it's fine to use. if you aren't noticing the blue, then why buy a bulb with even less blue?
Oh ok. I was under the impression the 20k doesn't put out the par required for great coral growth. Any way to know other than that my corals look better than they did under the 14k old bulb?
it depends on the bulb, the fixture, the distance from the corals in question..etc. the only way to know for sure is to use a PAR meter. all the lamps we use are full spectrum lamps, so there is enough PAR in all lamps, if the intensity is great enough.
Gotcha. I wish I had the $100 or so to buy my own light meter, it would be interesting to see what they are all actually putting out.

I went with the cheapest ebay bulbs so I didnt' expect much going in but it's kinda growing on me. lol It's for sure better than the almost blackened 14k that came with the jbj fixture. My ricordeas are actually fully openign now as well as my duncans. They seemed a bit limp and not vibrant before the bulb switcheroo.

I love learning new stuff! It makes my day. :-D
eeek. I saw light meters on aquacave for like $100 but I guess it doesnt include the par rating. Bummer. You can rent like anything these days, I wish I had an lfs that would rent me out one of those gadgets.

I will have to take things as they come I suppose. back to the patience thing again. Oh how I love waiting things
we have a few reef clubs in the area that have them and share them, or sort of rent them to the members. do you have any local clubs near you?
Thats one thing I have never inquired about, reef clubs. I assume there are plenty considering I'm in Florida. I just have a serious phobia about people, actually its a really serious issue in my life so I'm not the social type if you know what I mean. I may do some searching anyways, maybe I'll get brave enough to meet up with some people. My shrink keeps Koi and he even has a koi club he meets with so theres gotta be options here for SW fiends.

Just gotta get up the
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