Cat tattoos?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 23, 2013
I'm getting a tattoo on the inside of my foot to honor my cat, Oreo! I have a long time to decide which I want because I'm only 14 and it's illegal to tattoo minors in Texas. My aunt, uncle, and cousins live in Lousiana though and it's legal there so I'm getting one next time we go. So probably some time in the next 5-6 months.

I'm thinking of getting one of these ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1392921995.808928.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1392922011.787089.jpg

I'm leaning more towards the full cat but it would still be on the inside of my right foot. I'm going to add a halo onto the head too!

Before you start saying I shouldn't do it, please consider that I had Oreo my whole life. I used to kick him when I was in the womb... I also have nerve damage where I'm getting it so it won't hurt too bad. It shouldn't hurt my chances at getting a job since it's so easy to conceal!

Do you have any cat tattoos? Can I see some pictures? And which of those would you choose?
Wow, you can get a tattoo at 14. What is the legal age in Lousiana??. Still could hurt a little, very thin skin in that area. Tatts can be like tanks though, you get one and you soon want more...haha. Good luck with it, it's a nice design....
As far as I can tell there is no legal age. All it says is you must have parental consent and proof that they are your parent. My mom and dad are totally supportive. My mom's actually getting a tattoo as well but she's getting an Oreo cookie (she hasn't decided where yet, but narrowed it down to forearm and foot)
As far as I can tell there is no legal age. All it says is you must have parental consent and proof that they are your parent. My mom and dad are totally supportive. My mom's actually getting a tattoo as well but she's getting an Oreo cookie (she hasn't decided where yet, but narrowed it down to forearm and foot)
Just make sure the tattoo design is something you REALLY want. You seem very mature and sensible for your age but just really think about it. I have one that I got at 18 and regret, not getting tattooed, just wait I got.....and NO, no pictures...haha
I agree with making sure it's something you really want and something you know you'll still want later on. I wouldn't be too concerned unless you're getting color, because you said you're getting it small and it just looks like a little outline, which means it'll be easy to get a cover tattoo if you decide later on you don't like it anymore.
I agree make sure it's something you definitely want, the good thing about getting it on your foot is it can be covered. And yep they're addictive! You get one then want more Lol i got one and said no more and now I have 15!

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Could you please explain to me why you feel this way? I have a lot of friends and relatives that will probably feel this way so I need to completely understand it and how I can explain to them why I did this.
Could you please explain to me why you feel this way? I have a lot of friends and relatives that will probably feel this way so I need to completely understand it and how I can explain to them why I did this.
don't take this the wrong way but 90% of people I know that got tattooed when they were younger, regret it now, my good friend got flames up his arm 10 yrs ago .. He hates himself for it .. A commemorative ankle job is not the worst thing I could think of though.. Just make sure you're prepared to rock it for the rest if your days! Or pay way to much $$$ to get it blasted off;)
To me its great, nothing wrong with expressing yourself but to others 14 is a bit young to decide your gonna permanently apply something on yourself because what if 10years down the road your unhappy? You know? I was raised a bit different so maybe that's where I get my understandings from but I for one feel if your gonna express yourself go for it!! There are no boundarys!!
don't take this the wrong way but 90% of people I know that got tattooed when they were younger, regret it now, my good friend got flames up his arm 10 yrs ago .. He hates himself for it .. A commemorative ankle job is not the worst thing I could think of though.. Just make sure you're prepared to rock it for the rest if your days! Or pay way to much $$$ to get it blasted off;)

And from a few friends of mine who have told me that getting it removed hurts 10x more so just make sure its what you truly want!!!
As of right now I completely 100% want it. I have a few months to think it over but I'm sure I won't change my mind. I had Oreo literally my whole life and I don't mind reserving a small place on my body to honor the 14 years I spent with him. I'm against people getting tattoos of spouses and things that will change like bands they like but the time I spent with Oreo and my love for him will never be erased!
As of right now I completely 100% want it. I have a few months to think it over but I'm sure I won't change my mind. I had Oreo literally my whole life and I don't mind reserving a small place on my body to honor the 14 years I spent with him. I'm against people getting tattoos of spouses and things that will change like bands they like but the time I spent with Oreo and my love for him will never be erased!

Good deal just do a bunch of research definetly.
don't take this the wrong way but 90% of people I know that got tattooed when they were younger, regret it now, my good friend got flames up his arm 10 yrs ago .. He hates himself for it .. A commemorative ankle job is not the worst thing I could think of though.. Just make sure you're prepared to rock it for the rest if your days! Or pay way to much $$$ to get it blasted off;)

I 100% agree with this ! But I don't think the OP should be too worried considering it's a tattoo that can very easily be covered up. I got a Friday the 13th $13 tattoo that I think is cute now, but will most likely regret in my later years haha
I 100% agree with this ! But I don't think the OP should be too worried considering it's a tattoo that can very easily be covered up. I got a Friday the 13th $13 tattoo that I think is cute now, but will most likely regret in my later years haha
I agree. Go for it Jessica. It'll be easily covered if you decide to in the future and advancements in removal technics will make removing tattoos easier and less painful. The design you choose will take 5 mins and not to painful.... Older people will always question what young people do, so don't worry about it. It's a nice tribute.....
If you really want it done then do it, I got a tribute done for my dog when she died in October and I think its a lovely thing to do. At least it's easy covered. Good luck :)

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