catching fish

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 1, 2003
I need tips on catching a fish in a heavly planted tank

one of my male molly fry has reached "adulthood" and is now 'breeding' with his realitives ... I try to keep male studs in a separate tank, but this one has escaped my every effort

he is also very aggressive, having killed one marbled sailfin stud I bought ($5 fish!) and is harrasing a 24 caret stud badly now (bought both to try to breed non inbred stock)

there are a lot of fish and plants, so chasing the d*mn thing with the net doesn't work, and I've tried moving very slowly, and it just moves very slowly as well, into a plant or behind a rock/pot/etc.

his tank mates are all very stressed from recent netting attempts, espeically the angel which needs a bigger tank, since it doesn't like plants, only one small corner is still plant free and the b*stard molly knows this and hides by the angel

I've tried luring with food, but he seems to prefer bottom feeding, and I really don't try to hard to lure with food, since I don't want the other fish to associate feeding time with netting

I've tried different colored nets (white and green), different sizes and using two nets at the same time

any suggestions would be appericated.
A little different of a situation....but I've used branches and such to "direct" crawdads into my net. Or is that what you're already doing with the 2 nets?
If that problem is that severe, why not remove everyone and drain the tank. Then after you get him, put everything else back in?
got the bugger finally ... used one arm to flush him out and the other hand holding the net ... netted him and two potted plants (big net), but now he's in plastic bag limbo until I can visit the stud farm tomorrow (at a different building)
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