Change in guppy eye color

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 13, 2006
Portland, OR

I recently moved my young female Moscow guppy from a 2 1/2 gallon "birthing" tank to the 10-gallon adult tank (guppies only, 2 males, four females including her). Ammonia and nitrite are zero, nitrate 10-20.

One distinct feature about her is that she has completely black eyes, which I believe is normal for Moscows, since the male Moscow also has black eyes.... while most other guppies have "normal" yellowish eyes with a black pupil and yellow iris. Correct me if I am wrong, please.

Anyhow, I noticed she seemed stressed (hanging out near top and breathing hard), and that her eye color had changed to be closer to that of the other guppies. There was no fungus and it was not cloudy, though maybe slightly enlarged? Since some of the other fish were "flashing," including the male Moscow, I guessed they might have ich - I raised the temp and added salt, then decided to go with Quick Cure just to be sure. But obviously the eye thing was not related to ich - and the male Moscow's eyes have never changed.

After three treatments of Quick Cure everyone seems much better and, strangest of all, my female Moscow's eyes have returned to normal - jet black once again. What is the deal here? Any ideas? Please let me know.
i would have to say stress is a major factor, ich or not, your fish was probably stressed out and now is back to normal... just keep an eye on her ( no pun intended) and let us kjnow how things are going
Yeah, I was thinking stress too. Perhaps her eyes were just really dilated (she was "bugging out" lol), and the yellow iris was more visible than usual. :)
Fish also change color when stressed, a normal occurence to keep them safe in the "wild". Even if it was just the eyes I'd say it was pretty normal, and if they are back to being black now, then I wouldn't worry about her anymore.

BTW, that's the first I've ever heard of a "moscow" guppy. Do you have a pic?
Well, she's doing it again. Hanging out near the top and her eyes have changed color. Maybe it's just the fact that they are dilated, or maybe the light being closer to her head illuminates the iris/pupil differently and affects my perception. Either way I am starting to wonder what it is that is randomly stressing her. She gave birth a few days ago and has seemed fine since then, but I will just have to keep a close eye on her. Pun intended. :)

Here is a link to a picture of Moscow's - scroll all the way to the bottom. They are really a beautiful dark blue guppy.
Well, this is completely bizarre. I got home and she was acting normally. It probably is one or both of the males bothering her since there are 2 males and only 2 full-grown females. Since the males instinctually go after larger females, she and the other one are the only females to whom they pay attention. And I have also read that males pay special attention to females not long after they have given birth, since they apparently release hormones that indicate they are ready to be impregnated once again. Although that seems funny since they can store sperm. Oh well, males will always try. She's probably thinking, "not again!"

I am beginning to think it might just be a light effect on the eyes.... I did a water change of 25% just in case but the ammonia and nitrite levels were 0, nitrates are 10 ppm, pH is 7.2, hardness is medium-soft, and temp is normal at 78*F (keeping it higher for fry in tank).

Perhaps one day I will solve this mystery. If so, I'll let y'all know.
Hehe. If it starts to happen more often, you can always try adding another female or two. But...that'll give ya lots and lots of fry.

Good luck with the guppy. Maybe you should sit down and give her a lecture on how it's not nice to make you worry. See if she stops then. ;)
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