Changing 35 Gal Hex

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 20, 2003
new jersey
I have a 35 gal hex which has a red devil in it at this time... he's gotten a bit too large and i'm going to move him into a larger tank.

The big question is that I still have this hex which I like to make a discus tank. I need help with putting this together.

Right now I have an Aquaclear HOB filter
I am looking at getting a Fluval canister since it works great on my 55 gal community.
Any and all help would be great... Thanks!!!!!
Sounds pretty good to me, but I have never kept discus. I think you could have two in there, however. There is some debate about the best conditions for discus. From what I have read (I plan on setting up a discus tank myself so I have read a lot on it) you do not necessarily have to have pH below 6 for them, or the extremely soft water to KEEP them, but you will not breed them in harder higher pH water, and they may not color up as nicely. However, I think it is wise to have bogwood or driftwood and some smaller tetras as dither fish. Other than that, let's see if some discus keepers have something to say about it! :D
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