Changing filter media

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 1, 2012
I have a Hang on Back filter (Aqueon 30), and am wondering if I am supposed to change the filter cartridge 1x a month like the instructions say? Other advice indicates to NEVER throw the media away until it is falling apart. I understand it holds the bacteria I what process should I follow for changing the filter cartridge and how often? (Should I swish the old filter around in the tank water before discarding, or try to fit it along side the new filter for a few days)? I do NOT want to have to re-cycle the tank :)

Thanks for your advice!
You basically answered your own questions(y) NEVER throw the media away until it is falling apart. Swish the old filter around in the tank water during PWC's, then use the old media to seed the new when the time from replacing comes by fitting it along side the new filter for a few weeks.
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