Changing filtering system - need advice

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Nov 13, 2003
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

I've decided that once I get back up to school I'm going to take out my ugf, clean up my tank a bit and get a hob one. and yes, I am aware that I could create a mini-cycle but I'm not overly worried about it because my permanant residents have yet to be purchased.

My tank is a 26 Gal bowfront with brackish water. What hob do you guys think will do a good job in that tank? My birthday is next week so I figure I
ll just ask for a nice hob as a gift. I don't want to overkill nor do I want something that will make a ton of noise as my tank is in my bedroom. Thanks in advance.

High Tony. Get a small cannister filter instead. I like the fluvals as most of my posts have stated because they are so easy to clean. No noise either. :)
Brian - how much is involved in connecting a canister filter to my tank? From what I've looked at, it seems I'd have to go buy a bunch of tubing, elbows, etc. I also read the the x04 series were difficult to clean and maintain. what are your experiences with them so far?
Well they aren't. I'd suggest a fluval 204 for your size tank. All the parts and tubing are included. They've installed several shut off valves so cleaning is relatively mess free. They are SILENT, and are not an eyesore in your tank.
Bigalsonline sells them for around $65 plus shipping. It's a very good price for an outstanding filter. And I don't work for either bigals or fluval (LOL)
If you can run your new filter alongside the ugf for a while before removing it. you will eliminate any mini-cycles most likely.

I think I'm going to try a canister on my 50 in planning. I was looking at a device like this one Seems to me this could help simplify the whole canister thing.
I have the same tank with a Eheim canister and a Aquaclear 200 filter. Either filter would be plenty of the tank. I run both to be on the safe side, though I much prefer the canister. It just sits under the tank, quietly doing its job...

When it comes to canister selection, I think Eheim and Filstars are your best best. Fluval is good, but if you compare a Eheim to a Fluval side by side, the difference in quality is noticable (to me anyway). They are all good though, it all depends on what you are looking for and how important price is.

Anyway, back to the original question... An Emperor 280 or a Aquaclear 300 would be the best selections imo :)
I second the AC 300 for a HOB filter...they're awesome. Don't let a canister intimidate you...go with Eheim or Rena Filstar and you won't be disappointed.
Well I can't speak for the Rena, but I'm currently using both eheims and Fluval. They are both high quality items. I will admit that eheim has some attachments such as a spray bar and prefilter (at extra cost), which make it adaptable to more environments. My knock on the eheim is cleaning it. I hate the large O ring which seals the pump housing from the cannister. IMO it makes opening it up a royal pain. Plus when setting up the eheim initially, the consumer has to position the shut off valves for the outlow and intake in the tubing. I find that both awkward and messy. With the fluval the shutoff valves are part of the pump housing. With the flip of 3 latches you are in and there is hardly a drop of water spilled. That's it's best feaature. JMO :)
okay, so do you think the AC300 would be sufficient? cause honestly right now I can't really afford a canister filter for my tank (even for my bday) maybe in the future... :)
Brackish is a mix of fresh and salt water. It's normal for seawater to find it's way into rivers near their mouth. Fish that inhabit these regions are brackish water fish.
I have a Rena Filstar XP1 in my 30 gallon, and couldn't be happier. You can get one online for $50-$65. It comes with all the hoses and connections and filter media. Don't pay any more than the amounts listed above! I got ripped off and payed $100 at my lfs.
I had a UGF that I ended up tearing out. I had a HOB filter (Aquaclear) run alongside it for awhile to build up some bacteria in the filter media. I also added a powerhead with a quickfilter unit attached. Seems to keep the water crystal clear for me.
Go for Fluval. I love my 304. I am a newbie to this hobby and that filter has made life easy on me. Great to add different media in just seconds. And you can't even hear it running unless you are about a foot from it.
Go with a AC 300 or 500 if you want more, the HOB will be enough. The AC filters are great and the sponges last a llong time.
Also, i would recommend the Rena XP filters over the Fluval for a canister filter. Dont forget, if you buy a canister, you will need a power head as well.
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