Check out this Clown Knife Eating feeder goldfish !!!!!

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I thought it would be pretty gory but it's quite quick actually.
My only thought is that the goldie has to still be at least partially alive when it's being swallowed! Not nice!

Is there any need to feed that fish a live goldfish? That's just cruel.
Not cruel at all, its nature. Now if Bubble_B0y (or whomever posted the vid) had done something to the feeder fish prior to putting it into the tank, then that would be cruel. People have to start realizing that nature is indifferent to what we feel is good/bad. It's just nature.

Certain species of fish (and individuals among species even) are finicky eaters. Some only go after live bait, some only go after wounded live bait, and some will eat anything they see (food or not).

There are far worse hunter/prey interactions than what was posted here. Don't turn on the animal channel or PBS anytime soon.....
It's not nature for a human to go and get a goldfish then put it in a tank for a fish to eat.
Nature would be the fish (goldfish in this situation) swimming along naturally and the predator who lives close by sneaking up and catching it.

I just think it was unnecessary.
It's also not natural for us to keep these fish in small habitats either. Their food supply is different, their water chemistry is different, etc. By your reasoning we are all wrong to keep fish, or any other animal, since it's not their natural habitat. I'm sure many animal rights activists feel this way....and they may be right....

When dealing with a moral issue such as feeding live fish to other fish, you must critically look at WHY you feel a certain way. Many on this forum feed live bloodworms/mealworms. Are they cruel as well? Or is a fish a superior being? What about snails? Lots of people rid their tanks of unwanted snails because they feel they are pests. Indeed many buy loaches specifically to eat the snails.

Many times emotional attachments cause illogical reasoning.
7Enigma said:
Many times emotional attachments cause illogical reasoning.

Correct. In psychology, this is know as the anthropomorphic fallacy. Consider the predatory fish doing the eating, and the hunted fish being eaten, neither one entertains the concept of cruelty or any other emotion the human observer might have.
I don't like the idea of feeding dwarf puffer's snails and i think why i feel that feeding a goldfish to another fish is cruel is because the goldfish is completely defenceless.
Your just giving the poor little guy no hope in hell of surviving.

My natural reaction to that video was that it was cruel as the person who put the goldfish in the tank killed it in a pretty un-humane way. I mean he was eaten alive! I know this would happen in nature but that clown knife isn't in nature. I doubt very much that the clown knife need's to eat live foods to survive and there are alternatives. I think feeding snakes live mice, rabbits and rats is banned in the UK or at least you need a certain licence to do so.
It seem's like the person who's fish it is likes that sort of thing as it is on the net, although i may be wrong.
i personally do not think just feeding live foods is wrong, but i do think it's very wrong to raise and breed feeder fish, feeder shrimp, feeder mice, etc

if you think about it, when you see a tank of hundreds of feeder fish at your LFS or at petco or wherever you shop, techincally it's like a fish holocaust. that is what makes me sick about the whole concept. the fish are bred to die.

so i know i may contradict myself in saying it's alright to feed live foods, but that's just how i feel, therefore i'm indifferent

an additional note is some pets REQUIRE live food.
The only reason I could see this as immoral is the fact it was posted online.
Other than that, I don't see a problem. I mean, you all are saying it's cruel and whatnot,
but think about us as humans, and what we consume on a daily basis. Cows are eaten by us. Not to mention the sick thought of veal. Chickens, fish. We kill more animals daily then you or I will ever know.
It's natural.
It's what the fish eat and the only other choise is to let the fish starve to death.
Now that is cruel.
that is what makes me sick about the whole concept. the fish are bred to die.

So you must be a vegan? Cows and chickens are raised to die. Heck even Christmas trees are planted just to die.
jbarr said:
We kill more animals daily then you or I will ever know.

So, we're the top predator in the food chain. It's our right to kill animals because we can and it makes us happy and keeps us alive. Yes we can eat other thing, but I like stake and hamburgers and we’ve domesticated animals over thousands of years for the sole purpose of food.

Killing anything needlessly is a waste. Feeding fish to your bigger fish keep the bigger fish alive and is necessary. Keeping a clown knife is in my opinion the only crime against nature being committed.
Well, those knife fish rock! I used to love feeding the big redtail cat in his tank- he was like a vacuum cleaner, just sucking up the goldfish when they got within the "suck zone"! He was usually very docile, but he would push and shove big tank ornaments and some big syndonitis cats to get those goldfish. It was really cool!

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