Checking tank levels

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 28, 2004
Hi, just filled the new tank up today with the substrate and saltwater and when i went to the LFS to buy some LR the lady told me not to introduce the LR into my tank for at least 2 weeks. I thought you were supposed to put in the LR straight away, correct me if i'm wrong. Anyway, if you are supposed to wait 2 weeks, what levels should i be checking in the tank apart from salinity and PH until the LR goes in?

Here is a pic of my setup ATM

From the sounds of it, it seems like the LR is uncured. If you had fish or inverts in the tank, it would be unwise to put it in right away, without curing it in a different container for two+ weeks.

Since you only have substrate and saltwater, I'd just dump 'em in. It'll do the curing stuff for you.
Agreed, you should be able to get your LR now and dump it in your tank during the cycle. It may actually speed things up again.
Thanx guys, looks like i'll be purchasing some live rock tomorow! Would i be better off getting cured, or uncured LR seeing that the tank is only 1 day old?
I would imagine the uncured would be cheaper.
If you were to buy cured rock I believe your tank would cycle that much quicker.
If you can get cured it is better. Sometimes more expensive, but better. I would dump a bunch in. How much are you getting? I would at least get 1-2 pounds per gallon. 2 pds per would be better. While the lr is in your tank, you need to check your water parimeters consistently, and do regular water changes. You may also get a nasty smell with it. Chances are from the lfs it will probably be mostly cured. :wink:
The tank is 44 gallon so around 80lbs should be enough. Is it a good idea to buy half now and half later? I was going to buy 40lbs tomorow and 40lbs in the near future.
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