cherry barbs + pleco

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maybe you should make one thread for all the fish you are inquiring about. it would be eaiser that way. I do believe you already posted this question somewhere else too, you need to keep good number of barbs and they will be fine .
lmao!!! i agree with lm on both accounts. and you will probably get more input as well, max, if you post a thread about all the fish you are interested in and what will work well together. just post a list of every fish you like that you are thinking about for your tank, then ask people to tell you what would work together and what won't.

wasn't i just saying you are constantly changing your mind?? :biglol: again, you crack me up!
Cherry barbs are pretty docile. Keep them in a school (6+) so they feel secure and you should have no problems.
okay, ill keep that in mind =] i know already that barbs like to be in schools, but that doesnt mean they wont hurt the pleco ^_^ cause i know if their was a fighting fish in the tank, a school of cherry barbs would still go to town on it!
Maybe I'm the exception, but I've got five cherry barbs in a tank with four bettas and I haven't seen any fin damage. Cherry barbs don't have the same temperament as tiger barbs. Cherrys are much more suited for a community tank.
Maybe I'm the exception, but I've got five cherry barbs in a tank with four bettas and I haven't seen any fin damage. Cherry barbs don't have the same temperament as tiger barbs. Cherrys are much more suited for a community tank.

+1. Cherries are one of the best "community" barbs IME. The only more peaceful (while still being hyperactive barbs) I've seen are snakeskins and they are impossible to find.

Yes, cherry barbs will be fine with a clown pleco. I do agree with the one thread idea though. That way we can take into account all of the fish that are being contemplated. ;)
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