Cherry shrimp or any other

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 22, 2011
Ok so I have a 55g right now I want shrimp but dont think I can keep them now because my fish will eat them but I'm starting a java moss background when it takes off do u think I could do them then since they can hide in it let me know what u think
Ok so I have a 55g right now I want shrimp but dont think I can keep them now because my fish will eat them but I'm starting a java moss background when it takes off do u think I could do them then since they can hide in it let me know what u think
Well the problem would be if there are predators in the tank you will never see them. If they are smart enough to stay alive, that's because they are great hiders so it might be a waste to add them. What type of fish do you have? Maybe they'd do alright with larger shrimp like bamboo/singapore shrimp?
My fish aren't really aggressive here is the list
6 bleeding hearts
5 har. rasborias
5 neons
4 guppies
4 peppered cory
2 flying foxes
2 mystery snails
1 dwarf gourami
1 farlowella cat

Let me know what u think because I would love to have shrimp or something like that
I haven't had probs with any of those fish w/ shrimp except for the flying foxes and farlowella I have not kept before. It's worth a try. I've kept fish that by all rights should have went after shrimp that never did. A couple bamboo shrimp would be cool too..they are much larger than dwarf shrimp and filter feed with these really neat fan-like hands. They are kinda creepy..but cool lol.
I have a bunch (20+) of RCS and I've only seen a few of them over the months I've had them. I've basically gotta shake out the java moss to see any of them. I got some Amano shrimp to help keep the place clean and they're large enough that no one messes with them. Amanos are also the best algae eating shrimp out there and stay active and visible in the tank.
xfactor6699 said:
What do shrimp eat and how many could I get

Shrimp have virtually no bio-load and eat everything. You can get a ton of them... pretty much as many as you want or can afford, lol.
I'm looking for shrimp to clean my java moss wall when it gets going so what do u think would be the best for that and I know their bioload is low but what about taking out oxygen from the water do they affect that a lot
xfactor6699 said:
I'm looking for shrimp to clean my java moss wall when it gets going so what do u think would be the best for that and I know their bioload is low but what about taking out oxygen from the water do they affect that a lot

Unless you added hundreds of them...shrimp really have no impact on the aquarium. If keeping things clean is your priority I'd recommend Amanos. I got mine from severum mama (AA member/mod). She's absolutely awesome, you can shoot her a PM and see if she has any.
I'm looking for shrimp to clean my java moss wall when it gets going so what do u think would be the best for that and I know their bioload is low but what about taking out oxygen from the water do they affect that a lot

I agree with eco, AES (amano) are the best algae cleaners around. They put a polish on my mass of Java fern leaves that I though were dying, but were simply covered with BA. If I could put them in with my goldies I would, but they'd just be snacks in no time. As for excess o2 uptake? I'd say that's nothing to worry about.
No they don't..I wouldn't worry about overstocking shrimp. RCS should do a great job for mentioned Amanos are the most effecient algae eaters, but they won't reproduce. The RCS will breed and should hopefully be able to keep their population up even in some are getting picked off. Some shrimp eat less algae and do more floor clean up..ghost shrimp for example.
xfactor6699 said:
Will they also eat left over food that gets stuck in the java moss

Mine eat anything and everything they walk past. They'll pick through the java moss, they pick up pieces of gravel and spin them around and polish them, leftover food, algae, etc...everything.

My Amanos are probably an inch and a half. You don't need to worry about any of your fish messing with them. When I added RCS all the juvies ended up food for my Danios and Tetras within 5 minutes. My Amanos are way too big to be picked on. They are equal parts creepy/neat looking though, lol.
if you want something that your fish wont mess with,get a cray.but it might mess with your fish.
ghost shrimp might mess with smaller ones,but cherry shrimp should be fine.
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