Cherry Shrimp tank set up

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 17, 2016
Hello everyone, I am setting up a tank to breed cherry shrimp, to make a bit of money to support my hobby.

I was hoping to get your input on my tank?

Tank: 10 gallon

Filters: A sponge filter attached to a 40 gallon pump, and a hang on filter with bio-media and a small sponge attached to the nozzle. I added a used sponge from my other tank, to cycle the tank faster, and provide colonized bacteria.

TDS: 137

KH: 8

GH: 7

Nitrate and Nitrite: 0

Ammonia: Did not measure (assuming it's zero, since I started cycling the tank 5 days ago)

pH: 7.6 (hoping to lower it with Cholo wood and drift wood)

Temperature: 66-low 70s without heater; with a 10 watt heater is 73-74.

Plants: I have 1 anubias and 1 Amazon sword in there.

1) What do you think of my set up? Or what should I change?

2) Should I have no heater? Or have a 10 watt, 50 watt, or 100 watt heater? I'm afraid the rapid temperature fluctuations will kill the shrimp.

3) Should I replace half of the tank water, with bottled water to reduce the TDS and pH?

Sorry for the long post, thank you for your help! [emoji16]

Everything sounds fine. I would not worry about reducing the TDS and pH. You will end up chasing parameters at this point (and reducing the KH/GH at the same time).
Yes, a 50w heater should help keep the temperature stable. You could go without one depending on the ambient room temperature (and range).
I would raise the water level. The displaced sand indicates quite a bit of flow hitting the bottom. You could probably get away with only using one of those filters.
The tank technically is not cycling until an ammonia source is added. That can come from fish/invertebrates or pure ammonia. I would read up on fish-in and fishless cycling.
I'd concur with the above. I would also add a flower pot or smooth rock to increase biofilm forage space. I'd also add some java moss as the shrimp love it and it will be an active gathering point for cleaning the strands.
I would add more live plants, live moss etc. Red cherries will more rapidly increase in population.

temperature flux doesnt seem to hurt shrimp like it can fish.

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