Choosing Fish for a 55g

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 9, 2009
san diego
It's going to be a planted community tank and I can put pretty much whatever fish I want in there.
Right now I'm thinking:

-One big school of glow light tetras
-5 yellow platies
-5 red platies
-1 albino bristlenose pleco
-5 corys
-1 bright blue betta

What do you think? What what you do?
Sounds good execpt for the betta. They do best solitary because they are known to act aggressive in communities (Really, it depends on the personality of the betta).

With all those platies, do you have any plans for fry?
Haven't really thought about fry. Now that you mention it I should probably pick all females. I chose platies because they're usually friendlier than mollys and less likely to aggravate the betta.

As for the betta, I get to choose between literally over a hundred. So if one starts getting aggressive or hides alot, I'll just switch him out for another one and see how it goes.:D Bound to find a winner eventually.
Even if you were able to accurately sex them and choose all females, chances are about 90% that you'll still have fry to deal with for the first 2 months or so...Just be prepared to do something with them, or do nothing and hope they get eaten
Thanks for the heads up. I'm sure I'll be able to give them away or at least put a breeder net in their if I need to.
with a 55 gallon, i would do fish that could get bigger at least in my opinion.. maybe gouramis?
Gouramis are awesome but I would have to lose the betta. I've been thinking about doing this myself too. Hmm... The good thing is if I get sick of one look I can always trade out fish. I'll definitey try it out though.

I'm working on aquascaping it right now. Can't find enough rocks... I have like 4 rocks in there and about 15 plants. It just doesn't look right.

So right now I just have 11 glow lights in there and one very happy bristlenose. I'm going to be putting in the platies tomorrow. This tanks been cycled for 2 months don't worry.
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